Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Justice League of America Vs. Fin Fang Foom

I was really hoping to get the Mandarin and Fin Fang Foom as villains In Iron Man 3 to set it apart from the "man in suit vs. man in bigger suit" match ups we have seen thus far in the series.  Imagine my surprise when what kind of looked like Fin Fang Foom was chasing Iron Man in the final shot of the awesome Avengers trailer that was recently released!  I have since read speculation that it is probably the Asgardian Serpent, which makes a little more sense.  Still, It looks like Joss Whedon is using his comic chops to give us a superhero outing unlike any we have seen before.  Hopefully the inevitable success will finally get a JLA movie in motion again.


  1. Dave sez,

    Here's is my amateur theory on a Justice League live action film. DC Animation will continue to rule with their Direct-To-DVD features.

    Next year's "The Man of Steel" Superman reboot needs to be the blockbuster that Green Lantern wasn't to renew interest in a League film.

    Another Batman reboot is going to have to help, but that is at least a year or more away, unless it is being planned now.

    Superman, a Green Lantern sequel, an Aquman and a Flash film have to get underway with a Wonder Woman and The Batman coming out before a team film. Aquaman has to have a film to compete with Percy Jackson and Namor.

    If they go with The Manhunter, he'll be in the team film. Same with Cyborg if they go that way.

    I'm no rocket scientist, but that's what I see working best for DC live action...

  2. Can the Avengers vs Starro be far behind ????

  3. Well, they met in Avengers/JLA... but I did do a Starro cover recently so he will be showing up...

  4. Comico's The Elementals, The Squadron Supreme, and The Fem Force.

  5. There is a great two second bit in JLA/Avengers #1 where Wonder Woman swings Foom.

  6. Well, we now know that that was really some kind of cyborg serpent built/bred by the Chitauri. So, we must still hope and pray for either Fin Fang Foom or the Midgard Serpent to finally make their Marvel Cinematic debut.
