Monday, February 13, 2012

Wonder Woman and Wonder Man

Despite the similarity in their superhero names, this is a relationship that I don't think would go very far.  Simon's love for the celebrity lifestyle would probably clash with Diana's personality.  Still, it would be fun to watch, especially if there was a big bad guy who decided to interrupt things (as often will happen at a comic book social event)!  I was happy that this pairing allowed me to do an all-George Perez cover.  He continues to amaze in the way that he just seems to keep getting better and better - I'm looking forward to his work on the new World's Finest series.


  1. Nice, but surprising! When did George Perez work on the Avengers?? This blog is always good for the unexpected! Hey, the trailer for The Bourne Legacy is out, so how about pairing Jason Bourne & Nemesis or The Human Target or Nick Fury???

  2. Perez worked with Busiek on his run during the mid 90's. It was pretty fun.

    Really like this cover. You know, it's a shame that there's such animosity between the big two these days - stuff like this can't happen in today's climate.


  3. Dave sez,

    That is one fantastic cover!

    George Perez worked on a number of Marvel books before New Teen Titans - he got his start on the short lived White Tiger book, I believe; then worked on Fantastic Four, then Avengers, then Justice League.

    After Heroes Reborn, he and Kurt Busiek teamed up for Heroes Return, which is my favorite run on The Avengers. I think it might have set up everything Bendis has been doing on his run.

  4. Great cover. Perez is one of the best. I always like it when you can get art from the same artist. Regarding what one comment said about teaming Sgt. Fury with Bourne. How about Sgt. Fury and his Howlers with Sgt. Rock and Easy Co.?

  5. Rock & Fury will cross paths...

  6. The earliest thing I remember Perez doing was Man-Wolf in "Creatures on The Loose". Then he moved to "The Avengers" in 1975 starting with the multipart story where Beast and Moondragon join and Patsy Walker becomes Hellcat. He was the main penciller until the end of the Korvac Saga in 1978, but there were numerous fill-in issues because Marvel was always spreading him as thin as they could, making him also be the regular penciller on "Fantastic Four" 1976-1977 and doing the first real X-Men Annual in 1979. I think the White Tiger series was in the black and white magazines ("Deadly Hands of Kung Fu"?) around 1976, when the other black and white titles were being cancelled.

  7. Now you have to do Power Girl and Power Man!

    Hoy Murphy

  8. Already done and waiting to be posted...

  9. Perez is amazing for his fine detail work, and his ability to handle farkin' huge teams. I can't remember where this joke was... it might have been in a Hembeck comic... but it was something along the lines of "And for his next project, he's doing a team-up between the Legion of Superheroes and the United Nations."

    PS: So there have been official crossovers between Star Trek and X-Men, and Star Trek and the LSH. I think it's up to you to blend all three into one spectacular cover. :)

  10. This one was so perfect! I loved his work on both the League and the Assemblers. And when he did thier crossover... magic!

  11. Here's an idea. Power Man & Booster Gold!
