Friday, February 10, 2012

The All-Star Squadron and Spider-Man

I was glad to see a cover image for James Robinson's Earth Two series posted today on but have to admit I am surprised to see it featuring Earth Two versions of the big three - Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.  I figured that they would concentrate more on the trio of Alan Scott, Jay Garrick and Ted Grant.  It will be interesting to see if the big three will be a regular part of the series or perhaps killed off early on to serve as a motivation for the rest of Earth Two's heroes and a divergence point from the mainstream DCU. I am very glad to see Jerry Ordway getting regular work in the DC reboot, but I kind of wish he was on this Earth Two title... he is my favorite JSA artist, hands down.

This cover was tougher to do than I thought it would be.  I figured it would be a simple matter of swapping out The Tarantula for Spider-Man, but repairing and replacing parts of the background spider web was a pain!


  1. All-Star Squadron was the first team book that I began collecting as a 3rd grader in the early '80s. That series was the root of my later facination for World War 2, Cold War politics, and 19th/20th century international affairs/foriegn policy. The Advanced Placement History Exam in High School was an overview of Roy Thomas' Squadron & Infinity Inc. back issues for me!

  2. Oh, Peter! No good comes from tearing up your draft card.

  3. Dave sez,

    Great cover!
    Wouldn't Jon Law's Tarantula be a long-lost relative of Peter Parker's?

    All-Star Squadron was my favorite book back in the day...

    Until I saw that alternate cover for Earth-2, I had high hopes for the new James Robinson book. Now, I'm not so sure...

  4. How about teaming the Freedom Fighters with the Invaders?

  5. We'll be seeing them soon enough...

  6. Here's a plug for Medusa (Inhumans) and Godiva (Global Guardians and recent Justice League International)

  7. I bet it was hard! Nice work! I love Ordway's All Stars. Sigh. Good times.

  8. Spidey, on Silver Age Earth-2, during the Second World War? It must have happened during that time he was trying to return to modern-day NYC after visiting 17th-century Salem, Massachusetts.
