Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sgt. Rock Vs. The Red Skull

I was pleasantly surprised with how well the Red Skull was realized on film this past summer.  The combination of Hugo Weaving's performance, along with the make-up and CGI effects made what could have been an overly cartoonish character into a formidable villain.  I think that the filmmakers made right decision to separate Hydra from Hiler and Nazi's so as not to diminish the bravery and sacrifices of actual WWII soldiers.

I have heard rumors of a Sgt. Rock movie over the hears, with names like Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger attached.  I just don't know if there is any actor out there who could effectively embody the  iconic role of Frank Rock.  As much as I love the stories, maybe Sgt. Rock is a property best left in print.  I'd love to be proven wrong about that, though!


  1. What's so shocking is that it took 70 years for the Red Skull to appear on screen. He wasn't in the Republic serial or the late 1970's TV movies. In the 1990's direct-to-video movie he was an Italian fascist with a skin condition. He did appear in the ham-fisted 1960's cartoons, but that's only because they were made by literally cutting the images out of the comics. I wish Dr. Doom had been handled that faithfully.

  2. Dave sez,

    Very cool cover!

    Hugo Weaving is a fantastic actor. Great in both The Matrix and Lord of the Rings. I can't imagine anyone else as The Red Skull.

    Marvel is learning that the best comic to films are made by Marvel films. If only DC/Warner could put that plan together.

    Bruce Willis was up for both Sgt. Rock and Plastic Man. I'm pretty sure DC/Warner is more about speculation as far as live action films than they are about actually making them. Where is my Justice League movie? Where is my Teen Titans live action movie?

  3. Kudos to your imagination once again. These covers are to books I'll see in my dreams and wake up before I can read the damn things...

  4. After a bit of thought, I think the best person to cast for the role of Sgt. Rock -- for many reasons, and not just the name -- would be Duane Johnson.

  5. Dave sez,

    Yes, Bob - Duane "The Rock" Johnson would be perfect!...unfortunately, by the time the movie gets made...

  6. nothing comedic here ...but the entire idea in and of itself...is the satire...sort of a political statement if you will.
