Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Plastic Man and Mister Fantastic

What can I say, I was in a goofy mood the day I made this one. I always thought it was interesting that the two most popular stretching heroes in comics were so different from each other, apart from their power set.  Reed Richards was a brilliant inventor and family man who had science based adventures while Eel O'Brien  was a wise cracking lowlife trying to make up for a past criminal history whose adventures often veered into the surreal.  And while I really dig both characters, my favorite stretchy guy was always Ralph Dibny - The Elongated Man, who was kind of between their two extremes.

Reed Richards will eventually be seen on film again in the Fantastic Four reboot movie and I hope we will have much better stretching effects this time around!  I have heard talk of a Plastic Man movie for years, but nothing solid ever seems to come of it.  It's looking like we are going to see a Stretch Armstrong film first, which just doesn't seem right!


  1. I like Plas and I like Reed. But I prefer Ralph too. I'd like to think he and Sue could come back in the New 52 and we could erase that horrible, horrible Identity Crisis.

  2. I've re-watched a few of the Hanna-Barbara Plastic Man cartoons from the 80's, and I have to say as zany as they are, they hit it exactly right. 10 years ago it would have been hard to imagine anyone other than Jim Carrey taking this role, but there are a fresh batch of comedic actors out now (Steve Carell for one) who could bring alot to such a project.

  3. Dave sez,

    Awesome cover!!!

    ...Now, Steve Carell is an interesting choice as Eel O'Brien...I would have gone with him as Woozy Winks to Jim Carrey's Eel (But I am still holding out hope for a Mask sequel to erase the travesty that was Son of the Mask)

    Ralph and Sue wuz robbed by DC! I am so angry over how they've been treated. But, Ralph's powers - like Hourman's come from substance use; and Hourman has copped to an addiction. Ralph could almost be perceived as a drinker.

    Now, let's talk about Jimmy Olsen and his Elastic lad abilities...

  4. Ah, but I can see Ralph Dibney working a case that leads him to E-Man, that ends with all four together. "Rubber Necking"

  5. I love how you've kept the comedic theme in every cover creation...because parody and satire are what will stop anyone from trying to bring you down! Keep'em comin!

  6. This one is a favorite for me. The Plastic Man cover is the first comics I read and saved-- the start of my comic collection, which led to a fuller appreciation of the medium, and through that eventually to creating my own comics! Thanks for this!!

  7. Did Ralph and Sue adopt the Dead Boy Detectives (from "Sandman:Season of Mists" and "Children's Crusade"), or did I just dream that? Between "Identity Crisis" and the New 52 there were a bunch of Vertigo characters popping back into the DCU (like Animal Man, Doom Patrol and Kid Eternity) and I admit I've lost track of them all.

  8. Hee hee hee... great idea. REally like this one, especially Reed's "astute" observation. :)

    Speaking of Plas... I hope you've seen the clip from the new short that's making the rounds. Beware, puns a go-go.


  9. Yes, I liked that short a lot - it reminded me if the fun Kyle Baker Plastic Man series.

  10. How about teaming Plastic Man with the Thin Man from the Liberty Legion at Marvel?

  11. Not a whole lot of Thin Man images to choose from, so that's a tough one... Plas will make a few more appearances at least, I can guarantee that.
