Friday, February 24, 2012

Dynomutt & The Blue Falcon and Spider-Man

Who wouldn't have wanted to tune in and see this pairing together on TV in the early 80's?  I used to love seeing cartoon crossovers back in the day.  Birdman showing up on Space Ghost, Batman meeting Shaggy and Scoobie, The Laff-A-Lympics, even Fred and Barney meeting The Thing... they were all so cool to me!  Those offbeat and sometimes cross-company team ups were right up my alley and fueled my imagination.  They were definitely a big influence on this blog.


  1. Birdman & Space Ghost didn't "meet" until Cartoon Network had rebooted them both in the 90's. Birdman's original series was on NBC, which is why he wasn't part of the 6-part series finale of the original Space Ghost.

  2. This is a team-up that could have been very doable in the '70's, since Hanna-Barbara was constantly borrowing characters from both DC & Marvel. This could have definitely been a "Don't Do Drugs!" comic special to be distributed for free at schools or mailed to you for free with proofs-of-purchase from Kool-Aid or Kellogs Sugar Smacks!

  3. Ah, I must be thinking of The Galaxy Trio...

  4. Dave sez,

    Of the three - Birdman, Space Ghost and Blue Falcon - I think Blue Falcon was always my favorite. He was more like The Batman with Ace, the Bat-Hound...without Robin...or The Wonder Twins...

    Do you have a Spider-Man team-up coming with Ted Kord?

  5. Spidey will meet multiple Blue Beetles...

  6. I always thought Blue Falcon would have made a good series character on his own without the robotic Scooby-Doo clone. A Space Ghost-Birdman-Blue Falcon team-up could make a heck of a story if done right.

  7. Howzabout a Wally Wood Tribute featuring Noman from T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents and Daredevil ??? While we are at it - why not Nick Fury agent of T.H.U.N.D.E.R. ????

  8. omega men meet omega lobo and predator judge dredd space ghost meets adam strange or capt comet or ghost from dark horse

  9. Seeing Dynomutt here led me into a chain of thought ending with this suggestion:

    As long as you're doing a Super-Team series, why not occasionally create a full-fledged super-team that never was? Take one Marvel, one DC, and at least two others who share a theme, and build a group around them.

    The one that sparked that idea was, not surprisingly, The Legion of Super-Dogs: Dynomutt, Krypto, Lockjaw, and the Bionic Dog. (Special Guests: the Road Rovers.)

    You could start the Afterlife Patrol with Deadman, Ghost, and the original Ghost Rider.

    The core of the Outworlders would be Adam Strange, Corsair, and John Carter; I don't know if you could also get John Creighton or Arthur Dent.

    Then there's the Modern Knights: Iron Man, Steel, Hero Zero, Ultraman, and Defender.

    Those are just the ideas that came to my mind easily. I'm sure you could come up with others, were you inclined to try this.

  10. Way ahead of you, Bob - I have at least seven new "Teams" coming up... some will even make more than one appearance...

  11. I am definitely looking forward to that. Hopefully one of my specific suggestions above will make the cut. :-]

  12. "You don't have a dog in this fight!" Are you from the South, or lived long here? :)
