Monday, February 27, 2012

Blue Devil and Doctor Strange

Blue Devil is yet another fun character that is nowhere to be found in the New DCU.  He is also one character that I am surprised never made an appearance on the excellent Batman: The Brave and the Bold cartoon series.  He would have fit right in there!  Doctor Strange is back in a new Defenders series, and I have to say I like the new look he is sporting there.  It looks like another costume that is meant to be more live action friendly, but this one works better than most.


  1. Dave sez,

    This is such a cool, unusual team-up. Quirky.

    Yeah, it was kind of a bummer that Blue Devil didn't show up on the animated Brave and the Bold.

    I'm kinda bummed that the companion comic got the ax. But I guess DC is shifting over to Green Lantern.

    I was reading a few months ago that Patrick Dempsey, who plays McDreamy (is he still called that?) on Grey's Anatomy is interested in playing Stephen Strange in a live action adaptation. Hopefully Marvel/Disney films will handle that and not farm it out...

  2. It's a testament to how mismanaged or misguided they are at DC/Warner Bros. that a character like Blue Devil doesn't already have his own show, either kid-oriented or adult. He should at least be included in the new JLA Dark (which sounds like a ridiculous concept to me, but thats a gripe for another time). Good Cover Ross.

  3. She-Hulk and Bid Barda!!!(tell me I'm not reading your mind?)

  4. "Grey's Anatomy" is on ABC, so that would certainly help any cast member interested in pursuing a Marvel film project.

  5. Blue Devil has appeared as a member of the Justice League in Young Justice.

  6. He also was a member on Justice League Unlimited. If he had a role in one episode, I would've picked Bret Harrison to voice him, as a nod to his role on Reaper.

  7. Thanks so much for the post. Great read!! Really looking forward to read more. Want more.

  8. This is so awesome! Blue Devil was originally pitched to Steve Ditko, so there is a connection there already.

    This cover makes my inner fanboy sing! Thanks, Ross!

    The Irredeemable Shag

  9. Hell, if those Dark Knight fanboys didn't gripe so much, we'd have a new season of BTBATB and I'm sure Blue Devil would've showed up. Never cared for the character too much. But a good cover none the less.

  10. @Anon326: "You should never doubt what no one is sure about."
    ---Gene Wilder ("Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory")
