Thursday, February 16, 2012

Batgirl and Peter Parker

As soon as I saw this Phil Noto Batgirl image, I knew just the cover I wanted to create with it.  It was just a matter of finding the right stand-in for Dustin Hoffman.  It's interesting to watch The Graduate now... it turns out that Mrs. Robinson isn't quite as old as I once used to think.  Or maybe, I just got a lot older!  That film is always worth watching for the soundtrack alone.  Simon and Garfunkle were really in the zone then.


  1. ha ha...glad to see there is also room for fun on this blog! Good work, Ross!!

  2. I read somewhere that the director of the movie asked Paul Simon for new music. He used music from a previous album while Paul wrote the new music. By the time he was done the director had fallen in love with how the film looked with the other songs and used them instead.
    I'm not certain but I wouldn't be surprised of most of the new music went on the next Simon and Garfunkel album.

  3. I remember reading that a post-Batman Burt Ward tried out for the Benjamin Braddock role that ultimately went to Dustin Hoffman.

  4. All of the covers have been great, but this tops the list! Thanks for the laugh.....

  5. ....definitely! Lets have more whimsy here!

  6. this may be the most innovative cross over cover concept yet.
