Monday, January 16, 2012

Captain Marvel and Captain Marvel

I think we all knew that this team up had to happen sooner or later.I am a big fan of both characters and it has been interesting to watch them evolve over the years.  Mar-Vell is one of the few characters allowed to stay dead (Skrull impersonators notwithstanding), but I wonder how long that status will remain intact.  I still llove his look, his costume just screams Bronze Age Comics to me.  DC's Cap is about to be relaunched via a back up series in Justice League by the talented team of Geoff Johns and Gary Frank.  It will be interesting to see what changes will be made.  I have a feeling he will be losing the Captain Marvel name once and for all and go by Shazam or Captain Thunder or something.  Time will tell, hopefully enough of what made the character great in the first place will remain in this new incarnation.


  1. Yeah, this was inevitable. But is there any chance of this team-up being revisited, with the inclusion of MF Enterprises' Captain Marvel? Or maybe you could team that one up with the Amalgam Cap: "While one Captain Marvel comes together, another comes apart!"

  2. SPLIT!

    There will be more multi-Marvel covers.

  3. Dave sez,

    Very cool!

    How about teaming Mar-Vell with the Mikaal Tomas Starman for Bronze Age coolness?...

  4. I would love to read this team up. I hope they don't start calling him anything else but Capt. Marvel. Marvel comics my own the rights to the name but DC's version is the true Capt. Marvel. I too would like to see the MF Enterprise's Capt. Marvel sometime. How about eight team up with DC's plastic man, MF enterprise's plastic man, marvels Mr. Fantastic, DC's Elongated Man, Archie comics. Ronald the rubber boy and DC's Rubberduck? That may be too much but any combination would be fun.

  5. Under what circumstances would Crazy Quilt and Captain Ultra team up? I suspect you could make it happen!

  6. I would like to see a Team Up with John Wayne and Chris Reeve's Superman...............That would be Kool, Because John Wayne did give Chris Reeve his endorsement before he Died

  7. freedom fighters and invaders

  8. supreme vs prime or them vs hyperion

  9. punisher vs vigilante or deadshot vs bullseye

  10. Ooh boy, I hope I can do this without consulting GCD. Let's see, now: the Fawcett Captain Marvel was by Kurt Schaffenberger or Jim Mooney? Maybe Mooney inks? The cosmic Captain Mar-Vell was by Pat Broderick? The pose looks just like classic 1970's Gemini (Jim Starlin pencils with Al Milgrom inks), but it might be Broderick c.1980. And the Thanos was by Ron Lim? Was I even close?

  11. blogwalking for the day!!!!!!!! cools n nice blogs'''''''' thanks,,,,,,,,,

  12. ...not bad. Lets see another.

  13. MF Enterprises has the Capt. Marvel and Plastic Man versions that most fans would rather forget.

  14. Love it! I was hoping you'd do them! Can't wait to see more of them. Maybe one where the Caps have to save Billy Batson and Rick Jones thanks to some strange cosmic event? Or Mary Marvel and Ms Marvel fight? You know, a take on the old 70's Superman vs Shazam, but replace Supes and Supergirl with Mar Vel and Carol?

  15. This cover justs screams"A Bout Face!!"
