Friday, December 23, 2011

Batman and The Grinch

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of the Lost Issues readers! I truly appreciate everyone who makes the time to stop in and check out the covers and I wish you a great holiday season close by the ones you love.  The blog grew in popularity last year and hopefully will continue to do so in 2012.  I was glad to ge a chance to use the Grinch here, star of perhaps the greatest Christmas cartoon ever.  You really can't go wrong with the combination of Doctor Seuss, Chuck Jones and Boris Karloff!

Make sure you come back Monday for the ALL-NEW Lost Issues!  Be here on the ground floor of a bold new era!


  1. Thanks for all the awesome posts! Happy Holidays to you & yours!

  2. Dave sez,

    Merry Christmas, Ross!

    This is one AWESOME team-up! I'm laughing hysterically! The Grinch is one of my favorite Christmas classics. I think I enjoyed the live action version just as much - Sir Anthony Hopkins narrating; Ron Howard directing; his brother Clint in a key pivotal role along with Jeffrey Tambor, and - of course - Jim Carrey.

    Can't wait to see what you have lined up starting Monday!

  3. Merry Christmas. The Grinch - great choice. Greatly enjoying your work, and looking ahead to your "New Look" (says a fan old enough to remember Batman's "new look").

  4. Merry Christmas. That's a great looking cover and funny too.

  5. Nice Steve Rude Batman in there, too!

  6. Hi. So I'm sitting around on Christmas, surfing the web, and I came across your awesome site! I love it, and I can relate to so many of your anecdotes about growing up and the pop culture you experienced, since it seems we are the same age. Anyway, thanks for this amazing body of work.
    I have a couple of requests for your Brave and the Bold series. 1) Gleek from Superfriends. 2) Eclipse Comics characters like Airboy, Scout, or the one I think would be a natural, Crossfire.
    Oh, and I just remembered, how about Batman and Ultraforce (from Malibu Comics in the 90's).

  7. God help Gotham City if the Grinch ever teamed up with the Joker!

    1. You got that right!! Both The Grinch and The Joker??!! That would be amazing!!

  8. You're right, Ross. The only way this cartoon goes wrong is when it is butchered through video-editing by the over-commercializing powers-that-be.

    Merry Christmas from the Ghost of Xmas Covers Past! :-)
