Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Thing and The Flash (Jay Garrick)

I am very glad that DC has resisted the urge to try and update Jay Garrick's costume. It's got such a great retro vibe and makes him stand out amongst other heroes. Garrick holds a special place in the DCU as he and Barry Allen were the first characters to introduce the multiple-Earths concept in the classic "Flash of Two Worlds" story. When I first read that tale, the part that blew my young mind was that the original Flash from the soon-to-be-named Earth Two existed as a comic character on Earth One. His printed adventures even inspired Barry to take up the name when he gained his speed powers. That was about the coolest thing ever to me. I also had a tabloid sized reproduction of the Golden Age Flash Comics #1, featuring Garrick's first appearance. It was a great look into the rich history of comics, and made me want to learn more about the early days of the genre.


  1. Dave sez,

    Y'know, now that you mention it, Jay IS the only Golden-Age hero who hasn't had a single costume adjustment! 71 years - same costume! Same identity to! Take that Alan Scott!

    As much as I liked the Multiverse, I liked it that Keystone and Central were twin cities after COIE...I liked that it was still possible for Jay to inspire Barry.

    The Multiverse just did not come back as good as it had been at one time...

    But maybe that's just me...

  2. Well, there was at least one. Didn't he first appear with lightning bolts going down the sides of his legs?
