Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Thing and The Flash (Barry Allen)

When Barry Allen died in Crisis on Infinite Earths, I was bummed out because I though that the character did not get a fair shake. His title was saddled with the incredibly long "Trial of the Flash" storyline that ultimately led to the cancellation of his series. Perhaps he was considered damaged goods and that was why he was put up on the chopping block. I have to admit that the death was handled well, as he went out very heroically and it spawned many memorable storylines in its wake. A lot of people grumbled when he was brought back a couple of years ago, but I though that the time was right. Decades had passed so it wasn't the kind of instant resurrection that many heroes seem to get. Also, Allen's identity as a police scientist was now very much in vogue with the popularity of the various CSI television shows. Plus, he is one of the few comic book characters who is himself a comic book fan, so you just gotta root for the guy - he's one of us! His profile looks to really take off with DC's Flashpoint event and a movie in the very early planning stages. It took a while, but Barry is back where he belongs as one of DC's Big Five again.


  1. I read that his book was cancelled because of slow sales. They planned to create a new Flash title and character who was not a speedsteer but a shapeshifter who could change his shape in a flash. That idea was scrapped and they went with the more successful idea of having Kid Flash take over the mantle of the Flash. The rest is history.

  2. Dave sez,

    Classic Julie Schwartz cover! makes you wonder what's going on inside! Awesome!

    I started reading comics in the late '70's. I wanted to like The Flash and Green Lantern back then...but...Infantino's art toward the end of The Flash was just awful. It looked all bloated. As much as I like Joe Staton, his Green Lantern just didn't work. He's doing great with Dick Tracy now...

    Barry Allen really was a regular guy. He and Hal both. Of the original seven of the League, they were the MOST normal. Not everybody could be Bruce Wayne, but they could be Barry or Hal...

  3. ...before this current era of IMAGE influenced graphic art, some artists were definitely an acquired taste: Carmine Infantino, Joe Stanton, Bill Scienkiewicz, even Gil Kane in my opinion. DC to me always had better stories, but you went to Marvel for the artwork.

  4. Staton is a great fit for Dick Tracy - that strip looks better than it has in ages. I met him briefly at a convention many moons ago and he is an incredibly nice guy.
