Monday, December 16, 2024

The Roustabouts (Vs. Arcade!)


For the fifth appearance of The Roustabouts, I figured that it was time for an entire team free for all.  Who better to turn this team of circus heroes against one another than Arcade?


  1. Good call Alaric. I didn't spot Banshee there. X-Man vs. X-Man! But that looks like an outfit Arcade would wear. I love this group. The Roustabouts seems like a team that could have adventures on the cosmic, occult and street level. It would something just to have Deadman try to possess Ghostrider.

    1. I think it's more likely an Arcade-style LMD of Banshee. With Arcade being _mind-controlled_ by Dr. Psycho and the Hatemonger!

  2. It's being backed by Mysterio & Psycho-Man for research and development for the Mind Benders group. First cousin to the Hellfire group!!They want LAB RATS!!!

    1. MIght I nominate Pinky and the Brain in that regard, then?

    2. As for the true Bad Guys behind today's cover? I think that's actually Angar the Screamer sonically projecting an illusion under the Psycho-Pirate's influence!

  3. Great cover with lots of action. It's easily going on my top 10 best covers of 2024. I wish you'd let some more women join your original teams. I'd vote for Batwoman &/or Bat-Girl. Didn't Princess Python reform for awhile? If so I'd like to see her join for 1 or 2 missions like the Hulk did for the Avengers in the 60s.

    1. Or, if you prefer as an under-estimated villainess, you could mesh the cover art from World's Finest #207 and Iron Man v.1/#50 to show her wrapping her pet snake around the Dark Knight!

  4. I second the Princess Python motion.
