Thursday, December 5, 2024

Metal Men and Ultron in: "Indecent Restoration!"


This is The Metal Men's third run-in with Ultron.  He was last seen trying to make them his slaves in STF #3466, and they first met when he was after Doc magnus in STF #1836. Can they dare to trust him now?


  1. I've always loved the Metal Men (even if one of them isn't a Man). And in addition to this being a great match-up, you've provided links to the 2 previous covers which are great too. What's not to love?
    Here's a thought for a possible future match-up, maybe even a continuing one. What if Platinum were to give up on Will Magnus, and set her unrequited sights on someone else - say a certain armor-clad Tony Stark? Ross, it could even play out over a series of covers....

  2. Maybe Lead of the Metal Men could meet Mon-el, who is allergic to lead.

  3. My answer to your question, Ross, would I've always felt that trust--like true respect--has to be earned by everyone before being given to anyone. No exceptions! What most people who ask you to trust them are really requesting is blind faith. And that only changes into trust if the blind faith offered is rewarded rather than betrayed!

    Ergo: if a certain re-elected Republican wants the general public's trust, he's going to have earn it by justifying the blind faith most of them extended him by voting for him.

  4. I always wished the metal men met Red Tornado. But I don't know if it ever happened. But I don't know, there's something about magical characters, aliens or androids really feel relatable to me. Red Tornado, Martian Manhunter, Phantom Stranger, Doctor Strange, The Vision, The Silver Surfer, etc.

  5. That was really just a ramble. To add to it: zatanna and zatara are some of the only mahes I don't love. I want to like them, but the backwards speech is really, really hard for me to read. I wish it was easier, honestly.

    1. They're supposed to be descended from Leonardo da Vinci who used to write his most confidential ffuts sdrawkcab.

    2. P.S.---I believe the technical term is "mirror writing." So, maybe if you dleh Zatanna's word balloons up to one...

  6. But just in case anyone wants an idea for a comic cover from me (and not just random ramblings): Iceman and Ice, maybe? Teaming up to battle Captain Cold and some other ice villian? It's been super snowy where I am (I've missed school three days this week because of it) so I feel like doing something with ice.

  7. hard to believe Ultron cares about female company even if Hank Pym created the 'being' in 'need'(??). The Metal Men just stay being under rated.. But.. just how would they contact Ultron? Ad ? Big 'U' in the night sky? that would be interesting...

  8. Have Doc Magnus and the Metal Men ever encountered Magnus Robot Fighter in your crossovers? Just thought that might make an interesting crossover because of the similarity of names and basic theme. Maybe the latter can be a descendent of the former and travel backward in time to meet them.

  9. Shamus: There Is an Iceman/Ice cover on the blog already. Alos an Iceman Vs. Captain Cold Cover.

    Jason: Yes The Metal Men and Magnus have met on the blog as well.

  10. detective tobor seems to have forgotten about Jocasta..
    it’s definitely not the first time Ultron has desired a Female companion.

  11. As with Tobor, my question for Ultron would be, why? What the heck does a robot need a bride for? And yes, I'm aware of Jocasta; I just don't see the appeal for a non-biological entity.

    1. @my namesake: Ultron's A.I. is based somewhat on Hank Pym's brain patterns. And, given that Pym experienced at least four mental traumas in his life before and during his years of superheroics, I wouldn't be surprised if Ultron's obsession for a female companion couldn't be an electronic echo of Pym's unresolved sense of loss over his first wife.
      The one that was abducted, and later killed, by Communist secret police agents.

  12. I thought Ultron already had a wife: Jocasta

    1. Maybe he wants a robo-harem.

    2. Lol! What anime writers would call a "mekka-haremu"?

  13. Am I the only one who hears Ultron's dialog in James Spader's voice?

  14. To add to Anon. #1 above, I'd love to see 1960s "Metal Man" Platinum & 1960s "X-Man" Marvel Girl talk about being stuck on "guy teams" as token females for a big part of their histories. Maybe they could be prisoners of a dueling Dr. Psycho (lady-hater) & the Mandrill (lady-lover).

    1. Nekra would probably beat the crap out of Dr. Psycho. Hatred of any kind amps her up to near Power Girl levels!
