Sunday, September 1, 2024

Fantastic Four Vs. Lex Luthor


You just know that if Lex Luthor was in the MCU, one of his main targets would be Reed Richards. I don't think that Lex would be able to stand to have another person be considered the greatest scientific mind on the planet, and his ego would not allow that to go unchallenged.


  1. A whirly chopper for Lex? Air jets. Is he intending to remake the Frightful Four in his image? So many things to play with. Fun idea

    1. I don't know. A backpack helicopter seems a little too steam-punkish for Luthor. Diesel-punk even! And I can't imagine him being that retro-minded.

  2. It rhymes.🙂

    1. Luthor's word balloon? Reads more like blank verse.

    2. Anon probably means Fantastic FOUR vs. Lex LuTHOR. Although I've never heard "Luthor" pronounced quite that way.

  3. Too bad Luthor would be completely outmatched by Dr. Doom.

  4. Oh; this is BRILLIANT! You're definitely right that Lex wouldn't be able to stand somebody else being considered "the greatest scientific mind on the planet"; and he'd be massively jealous of Reed Richards for it. He might even end up hating Reed MORE than he hates Superman! Great idea and great execution, Ross!

  5. Yes! This is the confrontation I've been waiting for. Of course, Luthor had to engineer some sort of bizarre sneak attack to take down the entire FF all at once. Lex simply put on the retro-whirlybird-backpack for old time's sake. Thanks Ross!

    1. Like I said; I can't imagine him as that retro-minded.

  6. I could see Lex and Doom fighting for the "right" to eliminate Reed, and then the loser would attack the winner afterwards anyway.

  7. You're right, Ross; Luthor would detest Richards. That's enough to make this an ongoing situation. It could be done with a Mister Fantastic/Superman team-up, Luthor vs the Expansion Team, and various other scenarios.

    On a completely unrelated note, an interesting pairing came to my mind a few minutes ago: Daffy Duck and Gru.

  8. God help him when he finds out about MoonGirls level of intellect
    How about Daffy & Groo the Wanderer + Gru…

  9. Sorry, Lex, Victor Von Doom will have a word with you about bruised egos..

    1. Hey! That'd be a great title for a sequel. Dr Doom and Lex Luthor vs. "Bruised Ego!" Guest-starring GL Gnort Gneesmacher.

  10. @Anon957: If nothing else, we would finally have a solo debut for everybody's favorite clumsy canine Green Lantern. :-)

  11. Lex, Lex, Hooray! Luthor vs Galactus could be different.

  12. I loved this costumer era of Lex. The power suit was needed to give Supes some major headaches but the King Kong Bundy corp. version was a big step back for me. I was bored with him by then. This helicopter backpack image would've worked great with an Adam Strange & Inspector Gadget team up.

  13. ^ Also a helicopter backpacking Lex team up with Bat-foe The Spinner vs Machine Man & Futurama's Bender would've been awesome too.

    1. @ my namesake: Thanks for clairfying which Spinner you meant. I was two seconds away from asking you whether you meant the Spidey rip-off who once fought the Impossibles...or Clutch Cargo's kid sidekick? ;-D
