Sunday, August 4, 2024

Dial "H" For Hero and Madrox (as 4 Famous Co-Stars!)

When Comics' Legend Tony Isabella (also a Patron of this blog), suggested a cover featuring Jamie Madrox using his duplicates to create an army of heroes to take on a larger threat, I wasn't sure quite how I would be able to pull it off.  It was such a fun concept that I had to try, though. Four heroes isn't an army, but at least it's a start. Thanks, Tony! 


  1. Tony is GREAT!! This idea is Tremendous!! You can see the wheels still turning!!
    I love the thinking behind this cover!

  2. It's not an idea I'd have thought of (I didn't even know who Madrox was, off the top of my head), but I love the elemental theme. And it's ironic I see this now, when I'm reading Luke Cage comics (some of which were written by Tony Isabella).

  3. I don't know how many more marvel comics I'll get to, but I plan to at least read Howard the Duck after Luke Cage. And if anyone's interested, i can share how much i've read. Because from (roughly) January to now, I've read quite a lot.

  4. Oh! And some more ideas: Bob Hope and Millie the Model! They were both stars of DC and Marvel humour comics! I read some of their stuff, because I was curious. Shockingly, it's not bad. So i could see a tribute to the old 60s humour comics with them.

  5. And I still think Sugar and Spike need more covers. I never read much of their stuff, but they're adorable. I have a soft spot for them just based on cuteness and charm alone.

  6. Take Hydro-Man out of the equation, and Robby would have the makings of a decent R&B band.

    And speaking of classic-era humor comics, I'd still love to see Gomer Pyle with the original Captain Marvel, especially if you can find a Fawcett-era image of the latter. ("Shazam!" *BOOM* It's Gomer Marvel!)

  7. I am (almost) speechless over the magnitude of this one.

    It instantly makes me wonder how Dial M-for-Madrox would do against the Totalitarians! But, in any event, thank you, Mr. Isabella, for this brilliant suggestion. And, thank you, Ross, for implementing it just as brilliantly.

  8. just Brilliant !
    Love it… such a clever idea and so much work to make it balance.

  9. i just have one question: is that the Golden Age Hydroman (nee Robert Blake)?

  10. This is Tony's idea? Not surprising, it's crazy brilliant!

  11. I would read this story in a heartbeat, what a cool concept! I waa always a fan of the original "Dial H".

  12. Why Geo-Force and not Swamp Thing since he is the earth elemental?

  13. ^ I agree about Swampy being first in line for the title. Also, no female elementals at all? I'd think Mera would be a nicer more honorable water version than the evil Hydro-Man. I thought the H dials could make you literally anyone male, female or in-between. The possibilities were supposed to be endless.

  14. Perhaps because the H Dials were invented by DC when it was still non-PC.
