Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Judge Dredd and Han Solo


There would definitely be plenty of friction between these two if they were forced to work together on a mission.  That alone would be enough to make for an interesting story to watch unfold.  Pity the Hutts or whoever that get in their way when they are fighting side by side, though!



    "Intergalactic smuggling. 20 YEARS IN THE CUBES!!! The big hairy one goes to the Big Meg Zoo."

  2. just Brilliant ! the laws of megacity 1 should not apply in deep space, but who would dare tell Dredd that…
    just don’t tell him about the rebellion…

  3. If the two of them are intending to rescue Wolverine (from STF #4441), should we extend that pity to Boba Fett? Or Wolverine?

  4. One quick glance - completely hooked, line and sinker. Where is this story going? How did these two mismatched characters get stuck together on the Falcon anyway? Why can I just see (and hear) the shipboard interaction playing out in my head?
    There has to be something big that the pair are after. Perhaps some long-lost treasure Dredd is hoping to recover? Could Indiana J feature in this story down the line? Or maybe Ms Lara Croft?

  5. Dynamite combo Ross! Good points Simon and Carycomic: Talk about 4 Famous Co-Stars! But I don't think Solo would be crazy enough to go after a bounty like Wolverine. The leaders of Mega City 1 must be desperate indeed to send Dredd off into deep space with an outlaw like Solo. Dredd is definitely out of his jurisdiction. Maybe it's Dredd who will end up in Carbonite.

    Question: Would Logan's Adamantium claws stand up to a light-saber?

  6. Dredd could be after the Emperor himself..?

  7. What Ken said. :-)

  8. Hand this story to the right writer -- one who knows and loves both characters -- and this could be hilarious.

    As for the intended target, I get the feeling that this is a sort of "unauthorized extradition" assignment, meaning Dredd's after a criminal who fled to the Empire's galaxy, but the Empire's not playing nice about it (most likely, but not necessarily, because of a "we don't need to cooperate with these little guys" attitude). So, I'll suppose things are about to get super interesting, and say that the fugitive in question is Starscream.

    @Ken: If Beskar steel can stand up to a lightsaber, then it's likely that adamantium can as well.

  9. Solo is NOT going to have enough back up parts by the end of this. Que the Doris Day theme. Whatever will be....

  10. Bob, I have to admit. Your theory makes more sense than mine. Two thumbs up!

  11. @Tobor: unless, of course, he got those spare parts from Robocop.*

    *See STF #1005 @ Jan. 2015.

  12. I mean, think about it! Robocop knows how frustrating Dredd can be with his anal-retentive law enforcement. So does the Atom (from STF #3414) with whom Robocop also worked once before (@ STF #3258). So, if Han was to lose some vital parts discourtesy of the Judge, Robocop and the Atom could deliver replacement parts to that long-ago galaxy far, far away via the Alpheus Hyatt Memorial Time Pool!

  13. Is Solo going to need spare parts for himself, or the Falcon? If the latter, and if Dredd's quarry is indeed Starscream, well....

  14. "In space, no one can hear a Decepticon scream."
