Monday, May 13, 2024

Wonder Woman Vs. The Super-Adaptoid


Before the concept of healing factors was introduced, Wonder Woman and the Amazons had the Purple Ray, which could rapidly heal the sick and injured. Their Magic Mirror could look anywhere in the outside world, even into the future and the past.  Handy stuff to have around, I'd say.


  1. I sometimes "Wonder" why DC never had either Mirror Master try to invade Paradise Island through it? Even if his Glaswegian successor is too much of a mercenary to do anything illegal without being paid for it, Joe Scudder might've been all too willing to partake of Amazons suddenly made submissive and aroused.*

    *I believe that was the Silver Age penalty for allowing mortal men to set foot on the island.

  2. I was about to ask what those artifacts were, but then saw that you answered the question in the text. Those would make the Super-Adaptoid pretty dang powerful indeed.

    As I was looking at S-A and trying to recognize all of the Avengers elements in its appearance (I can clearly see Cap, Hawkeye, and Wasp), I started to think of what it'd look like if its design had been based on the classic JLA instead: Batman's cowl, Wonder Woman's lasso and bracelets, Flash's boots, Superman's cape,* Martian Manhunter's cross-harness, Green Lantern's ring, and the Atom's belt. Then I realized that putting that together would probably take you about three solid days, including finding appropriate images if such are even available.

    More reasonably, maybe if it suddenly showed up in the 31st century, and started to adapted the LSH?

    *For those who haven't heard, you don't tug on that thing. Or spit into the wind.

  3. Bob - probably something like Super-Duper an obscure JLA foe:

  4. Ironically, Diana's rope would block Hal's ring. Great.
    Love seeing John and George working together like this. Miss it so much.
    The cover is incredible. But, Super Adaptoid is still vulnerable to the '57 flavors' of magic that are out there. Too bad for it.

  5. @Bob Greenwade: Amazo and Composite Superman (of the Totalitarians) already have those powerbases covered.

  6. Come to think of it? That might be why the Super Adaptoid decided to steal those items. He and the rest of the Totalitarians need some kind of power boost for Round 2 with Cthulhu!

  7. "Magic mirror?" Didn't the Amazons call it the "magic sphere?" (Which never made sense to me anyway, because it was disc-shaped.)

  8. Bob has a point. "Magic mirror" sounds more like something the Queen of Fables would use.

  9. @Ross: Yeah, I think it'd look something like that, but monochromatic.

    @Anon@12:04: I'm aware of that. However, they're not the Super-Adaptoid.

  10. Unfortunately, even the Super-Adaptoid has his limits. I mean, he's only powered by a small shard of the Cosmic Cube! On the other hand, if he were to adapt Absorbing Man's power, he might be able to steal the JLA's abilities from Amazo with just one touch!

    Isn't that (presumably) how the Parasite of Earth-STF gained the ability to siphon off the magic of Thor's uru hammer?

  11. I am, of course, referencing STF #3711 from June of two years ago.

  12. @Cary & Bob: that's probably what he's already done. Adapted Absorbing Man's power, I mean! That way, all he has to do is touch the Magic Sphere and the PHR projector/generator/emitter/whatever.

  13. There's ample precedent for a plot gimmick like that; STF #2692 from August of 2019. To which STF #3711 might've been a sequel!

  14. In that case, I consider the case closed. :-)

  15. P.S. @ Ross: I just saw image-captures of the Super-Duper and Joe Parry at DC Database. That "panaputer" looks more like the prototype of a Yellow Lantern power battery. But, as it had the same reality-bending properties as the Miracle Machine of LSH fame, I have to wonder if might likewise be a Controller invention.

  16. I thought that too Carycomic. Also, the 1st Mirror Master encountered an Amazon-like group of women in 1 of his early appearances (I think Barry Flash had to rescue him from them if memory serves lol).

    I also wondered why Goldface never went after her golden lasso & her golden tiara as trophies in the Pre-Crisis era. It made more sense than that Blockbuster battle.

    Since I'm on a roll, I also wondered why Capt. Boomerang never targeted her tiara as a boomerang type trophy since DC writers had him going up against Batman's Batarangs in 2 early 80s encounters (the 2nd had Mirror M. in it). WW encountered CB in the "Dr. Destiny frames G. Arrow" big fight scene back in the 60s. A revenge ploy would've been easily understood there. If he can go to Gotham to avoid the Flash than why not another city & another JLAer?

    DC writers could've done more with her if they put some time in what foes sghould've been targeting her.

  17. ^ My reply at the end there would've looked better if I spent some time proofreading it before posting LOL. I'm off to bed now. ZZZ

  18. @Anon428: another unusual enemy that Late Silver Age DC could've thrown against her is Jordan "the Puppeteer" Weir. Using his neuro-electronic tech to literally manipulate Supergirl into attacking WW as part of a convoluted plot by the Superman Family Revenge Squad!

  19. @ Bob Greenwade: DC Comics does have the Replikon.

  20. @Bobbo: they don't hold a candle to the Green Martians...or the Durlans or the Skrulls or even the Xartans (aka "Carbon Copy Men").
