Saturday, May 11, 2024

Stargirl and Dazzler


I've been meaning to include The Shade on a cover for a while.  Once a somewhat generic villain, James Robinson fleshed him out in the 90's Starman series into one of dc's most interesting adversaries.  The Stargirl TV show did a decent job bringing that version to live action.


  1. Interesting matchup and cool villain choice. How about She-Hulk facing off with Maxima and some point? Keep up the great work.

  2. How about She Hulk and Wonder Woman. Just checked the blog and seems they had a joint adventure.

    Also, am watching the first episode of the new season of Doctor Who. I don't think he ever was challenged by the TVA.

  3. I second Harry's first motion. Maybe have Shulkie and WW fighting over the Sean Connery 007!*

    *A la WW vs. Batgirl over Batman during their fight with Copperhead.

  4. Been reading Robinson's Starman electronically this week and The Shade is definitely more interesting character and need to look through some of his earlier appearances inn 40s to 60s again. I do prefer him being called Richard not Dick however.

  5. Dazzler and Shade...almost looks like light brigade and dark matter. Stargirl is an extra bonus. Much better than just good guy vs bad guy. Great choices of who you have used.

  6. What Tobor said. :-)

  7. ^ What both of the above writers said. :)
