Sunday, May 19, 2024

Dr. Mid-Nite and Iron Man

 It occurred to me that, despite his technical skill, Tony Stark really shouldn't be performing medical procedures on himself - especially when there are some qualified superhero doctors around.  That might just make for the springboard to an enjoyable story.


  1. this would be one of those rare stories that moved the story forward without a major battle,
    they used to have a few of them now and again,
    plus i would imagine Hootie would help …

  2. @Simon: That should make the operation a real hoot!*

    *Yes, I did just say that.--Cary

  3. Fun Fact: The background's from a Futurama comic.

  4. In the STFU, given that this is clearly a Silver Age tale, Dr. McNider is probably the best choice for performing this surgery; the next best candidate has a little problem with his hands. (Most of the rest are in future centuries, working for Starfleet.)

    @Cary: Have a couple of cookies for that.

    PS: I'm thinking about a meeting between our two favorite 25th-century heroes, Buck Rogers and Jean-Luc Picard. We really could use a meeting between a young Gil Girard and elderly Patrick Stewart. (Alternately, Buck might also work well with Captain Seven of Nine.)

    And speaking of Star Trek crossovers, Voyager remains the only show of the franchise's "Silver Age" that hasn't had a Doctor Who crossover. I'm still eager to see the Doctor meet the Doctor.

  5. Love the reason for this meeting! Naturally, Stephen Strange could have worked just as well as McNider, but why should Ross have to do that when Marvel could do it themselves? Very cool!

    And that brings a question to mind... how many crossovers between two or more DC characters, or two or more Marvel characters, have surprisingly never happened, even though there seems to be no good reason why? Anyone?

  6. I like the juxtaposition of the early-'60s Iron Man armor with the ARC reactor from the films. It brings to mind ideas other people have come up with of MCU films made in the '60s, with Burt Reynolds as Tony Stark and Angie Dickinson as Pepper Potts, that sort of thing.

  7. @Bob Greenwade: photo-captures could easily be used for a team-up between those two. I shall therefore request that comic book depictions of Picard be used for team-ups with a slightly lesser-known inhabitant of the 25th century.

    Horation "Nexus" Helpup (or whatever his last name is)!

  8. It would be interesting to see what recommendations an AI would make as to what would be the best way for doing an operation to help Tony. I remember Dr McCoy not always agreeing with the on board CPU of the Enterprise about medical opinions. Since we are getting to the point of using AIs for 'input', it won't be that long now...if not already.
    Considering how many have played Superman and Batman and Spider-man, it'll be interesting to see how many play the Marvel characters after the contracts expire.

  9. @Ben: As I implied in my first comment, I'm not sure Stephen would be the best choice for this job.

  10. Whereas, Charles McNider would have no trouble. Especially if advised by Terry (the Golden Age Mr. Terrific) Sloan!

  11. Good one. Any cover featuring the mighty and mysterious Doctor Mid-Nite is always welcome.

  12. What my namesake @ 2:43 said. :-)
