Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Doctor Fate and The Sub-Mariner


I liked that in the Golden Age, Doctor Fate would sometimes forego his mystical abilities and just give the bad guys a good old fashioned beat down like Wildcat or The Atom would.  Who needs to tap into Nabu's magic when a right cross will do the trick?


  1. I think that those were times when Kent Nelson was trying to get out from under Nabu's control, which was also why he was wearing that "half" helmet rather than the full-face one.

    Anyway, I like this picture & concept.

    Bearing in mind this issue's title, is Marlon Brando also involved? ;)

  2. I am literally speechless...for now.

  3. @Simreeve: nah! He's just a contender.

  4. @Simreeve: That was Roy Thomas's '80s retcon. The actual reason was that DC wanted to tone down the Lovecraftian supernatural angle and make Doc a more typical superhero. It was also during that period that Kent Nelson gave up archaeology and went into medicine.

  5. The art match it fantastic. A good retro story about a group of gangsters who get into the occult, attempt to raise a sea monster, and the only soliton is punching. I'm here for it.

  6. What Jack_Acid said. Good ol' Golden Age Socko!

  7. I suspect that simreeve is correct, but there is some appeal to seeing someone with great magical power decide to just chuck that and punch the bad guy in the face. O, to see Cyclops give Mister Sinister a good kick in the groin....

  8. I'd love to see him get an upper cut to the jaw from Wildcat (a la STF #558)!

  9. Another all Golden Age cover! Love it!

  10. This is truly excellent the different images are blended perfectly. I have no idea which pieces are from where.

    Keep this up and with a little practice you could be really good at it. 😉

  11. Namor could have taken care of these bozos on his own. They were just a small detour on the way to the main feature, but it said nothing on who they were going to visit.

  12. What happened to the label for the Monday edition? Superman and Daredevil were both under Sunday's time clock?

  13. Maybe that's what the three-way fight was all about. Big G ate Monday in an attempt to keep Solomon Grundy from being born!

  14. In fact, that would make a great sequel. Image captures of Godzilla vs.the Legion of Doom (including Bizarro, Giganta, and Solomon Grundy)!
    Maybe even led by Amanda Waller!!

  15. @Carycomic: Ross forbid!!!

  16. Bob Greenwade said...
    "I suspect that simreeve is correct, but there is some appeal to seeing someone with great magical power decide to just chuck that and punch the bad guy in the face. O, to see Cyclops give Mister Sinister a good kick in the groin...."

    In the 'Multiversity' limited series of a few years back the Doctor Fate of another Earth applied either foot or knee -- I forget which -- to the crotch of yet another Earth's Felix Faust.

  17. Most seem to forget that Dr. Fate was super strong as well as a master spellbinder (eat your heart out Dr. Strange) so a punch from him in any era would hurt a lot. Most modern writers have him flying in the air wielding his magic yellow Egyptian symbols as much as possible in battles. Fate needs writers who understand ALL of his abilities.

  18. P.S.---come to think of it, that's not a bad idea. Dr. Fate and Dominic Fortune vs. Erica "Spellbinder" Fortune!

  19. @Anon939: Most of the people he punched out probably mistook him for Joe "the Golden Age Guardian" Harper. What with the blue-and-gold armor and all!

