Thursday, May 9, 2024

Beta Ray Bill and Spaceman Spiff


An alien warrior wielding an Asgardian hammer is just the type of hero that might spring from the imagination of Calvin, so I can definitely see Beta Ray Bill make an appearance in one of Spaceman Spiff's adventures.  Let's hope they can save the galaxy before the alarm clock rings.


  1. I'm hoping the next Thor sequel introduces Beta Ray Bill!

    As for today's cover? Suitably cute. :-)

  2. Next, Beta Ray Bill gets a power ring too!
    Poor Calvin. All Spiffed up but no 'ware to go.

  3. Trapped by the Deadly Nightmare Beast of Susie Derkins!

  4. If Bill had ever actually appeared in a Calvin & Hobbes, I think that this is very close to how he actually would've looked.Watterson would've made him look suitably heroic and powerful.

    @Cary: I think there's a good chance that we'll meet Bill in the fifth (and, as I understand it, final) Thor movie. Who else would carry on the legacy, and let us see more movies inspired by great Thor stories?

  5. A child's imagination is very dangerous to play with and this proves it! It was nice to see Beta Ray Bill show up to help, but knowing Calvin... I mean Spaceman Spiff would say "BACK OFF BILL!, I don't need the help, but thanks for the thought!"
    I've always been a big fan of both Beta Ray Bill and Spaceman Spiff, happy to see them "working" together.

  6. @Bob Greenwade: Eric Masterson, perhaps?

  7. @Cary: That could do. I think audience would rather see Bill first, but Eric can definitely come around later.

    Or we could get both, if Thor dies and Love either does so as well or surrenders Stormbringer to Bill.

  8. Beta Ray Bill...stealing Love's thunder? Say it ain't so!

  9. I was thinking more that she'd give it to him, as a gift.

  10. You should try to work that old classic "Animal Farm" into a cover like the old Super Friends show in the 70s worked in books/fairy tales ("Fairy Tales Of Doom" = Alice In W., Gulliver's T., Jack In The Beanstalk & 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea) & the following post LOD season which featured Aladdin, Sinbad, Frankenstein, etc.

  11. In other words, how Hanna-Barbera might have adapted DC's Fables imprint for Saturday morning television?

  12. @Carycomic: something like that.

  13. @Det. Tobor: how about Stupendous Man getting turned into...MODOC (Mental Organism Designed Only for Calvinating)!

  14. @Anon147: I'd buy that for sixty cents! :-)
