Thursday, May 16, 2024

Batman Vs. The Terminator


This was a match-up that I am surprised we didn't see for real back when The Terminator was crossing over into a lot of properties and Batman was battling the likes of Predator and Aliens.   It definitely has the potential to be a fantastic story, whether on the printed page or on the big screen.


  1. Batman would need to study it first, then get the materials to neutralize the machine.
    That second part might not be that easy, even with the droid specialists he knows.
    And the equipment he'll want may not exist yet. Thank goodness for the Wayne fortunes.
    Would it be anything other than another dangerous mobile computer?

  2. What Davejonz said.

    P.S @ Tobor: if anyone could successfully be the "Bane" of Skynet, it's the Dark Knight. Especially if he was investigating the reason for a proposed merger between Cyberdyne Systems and Wayne Enterprises!

  3. If this team-up had ever actually happened, Ross, I've little doubt that the cover would've looked very similar to this.

    Setting aside Batman for the moment, though, how about Terminator vs the Evil Dead? I've long wanted to write a "Double Apocalypse" story like that.

  4. @Bob Greenwade: nice hook. Because, the "normal" Walking Dead wouldn't stand a chance against a T-800!

  5. VERY interesting match-up in today's cover; Ross.

    And now for one of my usual unrelated suggestions :) :

    How about Richie Rich being blackmailed into using his fortune to help keep his "Aunt Priscilla" out of jail?

  6. After all these years still not one cover featuring the Mangog,

  7. @Bob Greenwade and Anon230: maybe you guys could double-team Ross and have Mangog vs. the Super Adaptoid!*

    *With Nexus and Grendel caught in the middle.

  8. There was a fan animation about this by Mitchell Hammond but unfortunaly it has been taken down.

  9. @Magnus: well, maybe someday Ross can do a homage to Charlton Comics with Konga vs. Gorgo.


  10. Related request, possibly as an IC follow-up to this particular clash: Terminators vs. OMACs.


    Magnus the Barbarian said...
    "There was a fan animation about this by Mitchell Hammond but unfortunately it has been taken down."

    There was even a fan animation for Bambi vs. Godzila, but that encounter didn't take very long...

  11. Found the latter meeting:

  12. Now if only we could get "Godzilla vs. Gorgo" by John Carpenter.

  13. I could have sworn this matchup did happen, but no... My brain just automatically made that leap since Terminator did have a run in with Superman, as well as crossing with Aliens vs Predator, and since "Superman and Batman versus Aliens and Predator" happened... yeah it's just really weird this one didn't. Batman vs Terminator seems like a natural follow-up to RoboCop Vs The Terminator at that.

    Another crossover that I can't believe never happened: Transformers vs Godzilla! (Terminator crossed over with the TFs, and supposedly had an unproduced Godzilla crossover, so this bunnytrail isn't as unrelated as it may seem.)
    Marvel used to own rights to both properties, and more recently IDW has held both, yet somehow they've still never met.
    There is however some truly fantastic "fan" art by kaijusamurai ... which just happens to be Matt Frank, who has been an official artist on both series! I believe that makes this "official adjacent":

  14. @Sir Kero If you want to talk about crossovers that have SHOCKINGLY never occurred in real life, you can't go without mentioning Scooby-Doo and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Two of the most popular and profitable properties you can find and they've even BOTH crossed over with Batman on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS, both in comics AND animation! Yet somehow, no team-up between the two in either medium! What gives!?

  15. Stubbornly entangled purse strings would be my guess.
