Saturday, May 25, 2024

Batman and The Greatest American Hero


Not only has Michael Keaton returned to the role of Batman after a decades-long absence, he's now coming back as Beetlejuice.   The better news is that Director Tim Burton will be joining him along with co-stars Wynona Ryder and Catherine Ohara.  That gives me confidence that this return will be a little better received than The Flash was.


  1. That's a pretty tall order, Ross. I saw the original "Beetlejuice" in theaters, twice. And I watched every episode of the Saturday morning cartoon spin-off on ABC. More importantly, I had no complaints with the cinematic debut of the Flash...and still don't. As a matter of fact, I'm probably the only one in the world who thinks Ezra Miller did a better job with the title role on the silver screen than Justin Gustin (or whatever his name was) did with it on TV!

  2. @Anon710: the name of the actor who played Barry Allen on the CW series is Grant Gustin. And I think you're being a little overly harsh. He did a pretty good job during the first two-and-a-half seasons of the show! I just think the writers started going downhill, during the Thinker story arc, with that needlessly digressive framed-into prison-for-murder subplot.

  3. Ralph was a great character on his non super level. Steven J. wanted a non super hero paired with comedy. Great stories, acting, and plots kept it running until the network wanted more of a super hero slant. Then they said bye to the network until the spinoff was developed. Problem was, what could be done that was new and not done before??

    Ralph with Bruce might not be that far from Ralph with Bill.

  4. @Anon 7:10 and @Cary 7:17, Flash started as a spin off from Arrow. But this was the first time a series started on a screwed up timeline and never went back to the original timeline.
    Eobard said to H. Wells as he was going to kill him, everything worked perfect in the original timeline. They never fixed that.

  5. Saying that anything would be better received than The Flash isn't saying much. Even The Marvels and Madame Web have gotten reprieves from the fans upon release to streaming. I've heard no "Hey, this isn't so bad!" feedback on The Flash.

    Turning to William Katt as GAH, Would it be too out of place (given the time difference) to have Ralph teamed with Patrick Warburton's Tick? They might even have a time-travel adventure together where they meet Ted Raimi's Joxer the Mighty.

    @Anon@7:10: I'm sure there are at least a couple dozen other people who think Ezra did a better job.

  6. @Det. Tobor: sounds like a case of going to that particular literary well once too often.

  7. As for ARROW? My local cable provider never carried Season 1. So, my first taste of that particular tele-verse came with the series premiere of THE FLASH. Which, in turn, made me a little intolerant of the over-frequent crossovers between the two shows.

  8. Hinkley was not a substitute teacher.

  9. True. Like Gabe Kotter, he was a remedial studies teacher. That is; an all-around tutor to the students who were in danger of having to repeat grades 9-12. Thereby taking eight years to go through high least!

  10. Maybe Ralph retired, took a little vacation and worked to help out as a temp.sub.

  11. @Det. Tobor: I think you're right. If this were a real comic, the writers might work in some real-world events by mentioning how Ralph and Pam moved to Gotham City after Bill Maxwell's passing* and the post-Rodney King riots. There, she became an ADA while he went to work as a part-time sub at Gotham Academy! How and why Ralph got the super-suit back from his hand-picked successor could form the motivation for the team-up with Batman. Like, say, an infiltration of the Gotham Underworld by Intergang on behalf of Darkseid? With Ms. Faye Gunn working for Granny Goodness?

    *Robert Culp died in March of 2010.

  12. @Cary: I get the impression that this takes place shortly before Holly Hathaway was given the suit (even though that happened in 1986, before Keaton's Batman in 1989; perhaps there's some time variation in the STFU). Otherwise I think your plot is brilliant.

  13. P.S. I wish you an enjoyable Memorial Day.

  14. definitely a memorable Memorial Day!

  15. @Det. Tobor: Well, my hometown certainly did. The initial drizzle became a downpour just before the tail end of the parade reached the usual disbanding point (where the memorializing ceremonies take place half an hour later)!

    P.S. @ Bob Greenwade: come to think of it. Wasn't there an episode of TGAH where Ralph kind of hinted to Tony Villacana (Michael Pare's character) that he grew up to become a teacher because of a misspent youth? Maybe Ralph misspent that youth in Gotham City!
