Monday, April 8, 2024

Planetary and Planet Terry


When I read this suggestion by Bill Delaney, for some reason it just made me chuckle.  While the two comics had similar sounding names, Planetary and Planet Terry were decidedly different from one another. I wasn't sure if they would go together but I had to give it a shot.  Thanks for the inspiration, Bill!


  1. Well, at least Jakita Wagner is more fully dressed than Psylocke. Lol!

  2. I remember Planet Terry! It was part of the STAR imprint published by Marvel, for little kids, during the Eighties. Basically a homage to the Gold Key comics I used to read (at that same age) during the Sixties.

    As a matter of fact, that vulture aiming to dive-bomb Planetary from the rear looks a lot like the Sea Hag's pet (for those who remember the Popeye cartoons where Bluto was renamed Brutus).

  3. How about Royal Roy and Richie rich?

  4. BTW, Star Comics aped Harvey Comics.

  5. This certainly made me chuckle too.

  6. Brilliant. Both Bill & Ross: Just brilliant.

  7. @Anon846: I never read Harvey Comics when I was in grammar school. Just Gold Key.

  8. What about Ben 10 and Benjy Grimm?

  9. Along a similar vibe, I'd like to see Rogue vs. Madame Rouge. I'm not the first to suggest it, but a friend of mine has been cosplaying Rogue (at a convention this past weekend) but keeps spelling it Rouge in her Facebook posts; this could be a sort-of salute to her.

  10. bit lost here as i hadn’t heard of Planet terry ! but the others a great comic brilliantly written.

  11. I never heard of Planetary till I read an article published about them @ Wold Newton Universe.

  12. Thanks for the screen time of Planetary. I miss them and some of the differences they used in doing meeting Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman.

  13. What, no Eclipso today?

  14. Or, failing that, Dr. Eclipse (formerly Zzed the Immortal from Eclipse Comics) vs. Dr. Eclipse (arch-enemy of Dr. Solar from Valiant/Acclaim).

  15. Eclipse is over.

    "Here comes the sun. Doot-doot-doot-doot!"

  16. How about Wally the Wizard meets Wally West and the Whizzer?

  17. H.H.Horsefeathers seeing the dark EVERYWHEREApril 9, 2024 at 12:50 AM

    NOOOOOO!!!! SHOULD AVE BEEN Sunboy meets Moon girl! Devil Dinosaur thrown in

  18. Maybe that's exactly the stunt Ray Terrill alluded to, this morning. He tried to mate a brainwashed Sun Boy and Moon Girl in order to make them surrogate parents for an Eclipso-goblin!

    But, of course, only a prequel cover would confirm-or-deny that. Perhaps on Earth Day 2024? ;-)

  19. HHH has a good plot-seed there. Because, despite having seven appearances, here, thus far, there's one Marvel character Eclipso hasn't met, yet. The Green Goblin!

    I mean, think about it; maliciously mischievous smiles; long, pointed ears. They could almost be long-lost twin brothers!

  20. Wasn’t Green Goblin a human in a goblin costume?

  21. Carycomic said...
    "Maybe that's exactly the stunt Ray Terrill alluded to, this morning. He tried to mate a brainwashed Sun Boy and Moon Girl in order to make them surrogate parents for an Eclipso-goblin!

    But, of course, only a prequel cover would confirm-or-deny that. Perhaps on Earth Day 2024? ;-)"

    Maybe an Earth Day issue should feature Captain Planet? H'mm, has he ever met Swamp Thing?

  22. I'd rather see if Capt. Planet would fear the Man-Thing's touch.

  23. @my namesake circa 6:40: maybe that's what Norman only _wanted_ people to believe.

  24. I'm just glad I got to see Planet Terry again.:)

  25. Sun Boy and Moon Girl after Green Goblin while Eclipso is after them??! Wouldn't that need to be a 2 or 3 parter?

  26. @Anon 9:14, with his personality the way it already is, how could Eclipso possibly affect Green Goblin?

  27. @Tobor: Make him Blue-and-Yellow, of course! Sort of like a half-moon. :-)

  28. Cover of the month!

  29. Cover of the month!
