Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Roustabouts in: "Satan at the Circus!"


For this, the fourth appearance of The Roustabouts, I thought I would raise the stakes a little.  Let's see how the Brawlers Under the Big Top fare against Mephistopheles himself!  It's a good thing that half of their members have extensive experience battling demonic entities.


  1. Potentially controversial cover for a Sunday morning. Don't you think?

  2. Ross,did you know the Hulk qualifies for membership since he worked for Ringmaster in his original book??

    This would be Interesting with Ghost Rider but how much help will the others be, even Mister Miracle?? Deadman might be controlled.

    Now, if you added Scooby-Doo and the gang, anything could happen.

    Surprised no women have qualified here.

  3. I can't think of any women for this team either. And I'm similarly surprised to realize that this team has only Big Two characters: Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, and Nightcrawler from Marvel, and Mister Miracle, Deadman, and Nightwing from DC.

    On a related note, I think that the next time this group appears it should be in one of Arcade's deathtraps. It seems like such a natural fit. Or maybe they've been abducted by Mojo....

  4. @Detective Tobor: they'd probably reveal the Chief Bad Guy to be either a hologram projected by Mysterio and Garfield "Firefly" Lynns. Or a brainwashed Giant Man wearing a rubber mask made of unstable molecules.

  5. The Human Fly might make fora good honorary member of the team.

  6. Golden age MLJ had a perfect hero for this team: the Red Rube. He's obscure these days, but he co-starred with Steel Sterling for a good run of Zip Comics.

    For that matter, Quality had a character called the Barker who might serve as the leader of the Roustabouts.

  7. I don't know that he was ever depicted in an actual circus, but Marvel had Obnoxio the Clown.

    For another villain, the Blob (from the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants) was a circus guy --- that's why he calls people "rube."

  8. The original Batwoman was with the circus...

  9. thank you, Bob B.

  10. A reformed Princess Python would help add another gender.

  11. @Anon1127: I second that emotion! If only so she can have some reason for debuting here.

  12. @Cary & my namesake: I 3rd it!
