Sunday, October 15, 2023

Vigilante and Spider-Man


This one was me just experimenting.  I've gotten a kick out of some of the covers I have seen that feature heroes against a solid black background, with only the highlights of their costumes coming through in stark contrast.  I thought I would try to emulate one of those covers here.


  1. Fun use of negative space. It would make more sense for Daredevil to call out the shots, but his red/black panels costume wouldn't be nearly as effective.

  2. But Vig is just testing Spidy since his goggles have night vision built in just like Batman's lens, right? Been a while since Mr V was in the camera sightings.
    Chase seems too limited. How would he do against the Hulk or Green Goblin?

  3. @Tobor: not unless this particular darkness is actually being generated by someone like Cloak or the Shroud. Or, perhaps, in this case, Nightshade of the Suicide Squad under the pheromonal control of the Mandrill?

    *A team-up, here, between her and Spidey might make for a nice Steve Ditko homage.

  4. @Ross: And, if not as a homage, then a first anniversary observance of their so-far-only team-up.*

    @STF #3846, last year.

  5. Dear Ross: you've experimented with such covers at least twice before.

    STF #2544 and #2698.

  6. Wow. Spectacular! I've always loved images of Spidey that do this.

  7. Minor nitpick: proper air guidance would be in terms of degrees, not feet and inches.

    That aside, though, more like this would be quite welcome; for example, to reunite Daredevil and Doctor Mid-Nite! Batman and the Punisher are two others who would be very effective in a darkness/highlight cover (not necessarily together; I'm imagining Bats teamed with Cloak, emerging from the latter's namesake darkness).

    @Anon@9:19: I'm quite fond of #2544 (first distribution) myself, naturally. It's the finest all-Byrne cover Ross has posted thus far.
