Friday, October 6, 2023

Jonah Hex and The Rangers


I thought this was a cool western themed team when they appeared in West Coast Avengers.  It's too bad they did not appear more often. Jonah has met a couple of the members of the team before on this blog - Red Wolf in STF #1641 and then again in STF #1909, and The Original Ghost Rider in a two-parter in STF #1466 and STF #1477...


  1. @ Ross: The perfect Part 2 to this cover would be Jonah getting rescued by FBI Agents Scully and Mulder while investigating a strange break-in at the former Texas School Book Depository in Dallas. That way, you call it...THE HEX FILES!

    @Bob Greenwade: trust me. That's a lot less weird than what I originally wanted to suggest.* Dr. Strange's foe, Lord Nightmare, making Scully dream that Mulder was just abducted by the University of Kentucky cheerleaders. Only he doesn't want to be rescued!

    *I dreamt that I was Mulder.

  2. Texas Twister is yet another spinning hero. Are there enough of heroes and villains for good guys vs bad guys cover? Or even a hero villain group team up to stop a Major Disaster?

  3. @Cary: Both are pretty good.

    @"me": At the least, Texas Twister and Red Tornado would be an interesting team-up.

    My ersatz comics universe actually had its own spinning hero, who went by the name of Bobbin. He actually had been created originally by my late wife, Colleen, as a sidekick to the villainous Ratman.

  4. Lol! I just got a touch of Al Yankovic weirdness.

    "When Gotham City's Red Robin gets kidnapped by Bobbin A. Long,
    You know Batman and Ratman will soon be tangling with each other, e'er long!"

  5. i’m one of those folks who grew up on the old Cowboy stories,
    hopefully Jonah’ s wife or Tomahawk & Scalphunter will turn up to rescue Him…

  6. I don't recognize either female member of the rangers. Who are they? The flying firehand one doesn't even look like she fits in with the wild west theme of the team.

  7. The raven-haired brunette is Bonita "Firebird" Juarez. A Latina version of Angelica "Firestar" Jones (who was still just a Saturday morning cartoon character at the time, iirc).

    While the blonde is Victoria Starr alias Shooting Star. A trick-shooting superhero whose revolvers emit bursts of energy that resemble storybook illustrations of stars. Although, I'm not sure whether or not that's due to her being a mutant like Firestar.

  8. @Wild Card: and, in the event you've never heard of the group, the Rangers are a case of history repeating itself in that they were accidentally brought together by a CB SOS sent out for the Avengers when the Hulk became a mind-controlled minion of the Corruptor.

  9. Overlooked Major Disaster, the DC villain already ?? I'll take Ghost Rider over Night Rider for a name anytime.
    But if Jonah isn't a fake What's the problem they are concerned about?
    Good design.

  10. Loved how Firebird dealt with the villain in this arc, and was really annoyed later when they retconned her abilities to be ‘from space aliens’

  11. @Det. Tobor: not already. Still. I can't even find him listed among that long list of search terms on the left side of the page!

  12. @Tobor & Anon724: sad-but-true. Not even a listing for Paul Booker or Justice League Antarctica!
