Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The Flash and Captain Marvel


For a while, these were two of the most famous superheroes ever to be killed off.  The Flash eventually returned to the land of the living, but despite a few teases, Mar-Vell's death has not been reversed.  I think by this point he is safely resting in peace, I'd be surprised to see a true attempt to bring him back now.  That doesn't mean I wouldn't mind some appearances in flashback sequences, though.


  1. Since he is an alien, there's no telling what might be available...including having been cloned.

  2. And, yes, given their personalities to duty and doing what's right, i think they could be a great team. Love this cover.

  3. @Tobor: wasn't Genis-Vell already revealed to be a clone, created by the understandably grief-stricken Elysia of Titan?

    @Ross: "Bellatrix 19"? Don't tell Ms. Lestrange has been assimilated by the Borg!

    I'll show myself out.

  4. Well, I got half my much-earlier wish. A team-up with Barry Allen's Flash! Now, maybe, if Spidey could team up with Billy Batson's alter-ego...

    Tentative title? "Friendly Neighborhood Shazam!"

  5. On second thought: I'd rather see Spidey go up against Arachnid from SAVAGE DRAGON. Or fighting alongside Araknis (from Michael Ortiz @ Mushroom Comics, circa 1994).

  6. I've said it before, and I'm sticking to it: even though Barry was my favorite superhero while I was growing up, I think he should've stayed dead. He was brought back just as the time was coming for Wally to turn the mantle over to Bart, which spoiled a pretty outstanding legacy narrative that DC had going at the time -- one that's since been done, after a fashion, with Blue Beetle, though that would probably take one more Blue Beetle somewhere in the future to really fulfill.

    @Cary: Who I'd love to see Spider-Man with is Vixen, in recognition of their mutual connection to Anansi. I've actually been wanting that for a few years now....

  7. Spider-Man and Vixen: https://braveandboldlost.blogspot.com/2018/02/spider-man-and-vixen.html

    Spider-Man and Captain Marvel https://braveandboldlost.blogspot.com/2015/05/captain-marvel-and-spider-man.html

    Spider-Man and Captain Marvel https://braveandboldlost.blogspot.com/2016/12/spider-man-and-shazam-movie.html

  8. Who's the dude on the space scooter?

  9. With so many that held the name in any fashion have you ever considered teaming the Captains of Marvel? Or possibly the League of Marvels?


  10. @MWC : The Captains Marvel... https://braveandboldlost.blogspot.com/search/label/Captains%20Marvel

  11. Have you been reading Groot? It features a young Private Mar-Vell.

  12. Of course, once upon a time, it was also safely assumed that Bucky Barnes was also safely resting in peace

  13. @Ross: all overdue for sequels. :-)

  14. Emsley Wyatt: looks like the love-child of Ronan and Sinestro.

  15. @BG: I'm glad they brought Barry back. The one they should've permanently killed off is Funky Flashman!

  16. @Ross: I'm aware of that cover; it has nothing to do with Anansi.

  17. On the topic of "same name," I've been wanting for years to see Big Man versus Foxbat in "The Battle of the Freddies Foswell!"

    (Unfortunately, Ross is not familiar with every Champions player's favorite fifth-wall breaker, and maybe not with Big Man either, so it's not likely.)

  18. Barry should not have come back. His guest appearances in the two Wally West storys The Return Of Barry Allen and meeting his grandkids for the first time in Chain Lightning was the right amount of use for him during Wally's era.

  19. @Wild Card: let's just split the difference. Barry should've come back as nothing more than Max Mercury's replacement as Impulse's advisor. With Max, himself, retiring into the Speed Force willingly and permanently.

  20. @Anon@11:20: That would've been acceptable, except that I'd rather Max had retired into "reserve" status like Jay.

  21. The writers probably would've just killed him off, like they did the Golden Age Johnny Quick, during the Savitar War. But, unlike JQ, I doubt he would've been ret-conned back to life by the actions of the Darkest Knight. More likely, Max would've wound up supplementing Red Death's Speed Force connections!

  22. Both Barry Allen and Linda Danvers were _needlessly_ killed off at the end of COIE and I'm shamelessly glad DC finally wised up and brought them back.

  23. I liked Mar-vell in his original green gear and conflicted backstory. Apparently I was in the minority and sadly he was amped up.
