Friday, September 8, 2023

Lando Calrissian Vs. Aliens


There has been talk of a solo Lando Calrissian series on Disney+ with Donald Glover reprising the role.  The Disney+ Star Wars shows have definitely been a mixed bag thus far. Let's hope that if this show does move forward, a little more thought is put into the scripts.  Maybe once the Hollywood writer's strike is over, we'll get some stories truly worthy of the Star Wars name.


  1. If this is pre-RotJ you have a great ready made morale conundrum. Seeing Lando grapple with Weyland-Yutani's cruelty in pursuit of their bottom line could be a real dynamic moment that puts Calrission on the first steps of altruism.

  2. I don't stream, so it makes no difference to me. But, if this story were a real comic book, I'd grab it off the shelf/rack in a New Yawk minute! :-)

  3. "Hey, I won them in a card game. They said I'd have no trouble keeping up breeding stock. Now it's time to make some omelets!"

  4. Ahsoka has been a real corker so far, with the title character's parallel efforts to keep Jedi traditions alive (without necessarily reviving the Order, as Luke is doing) and to prevent the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn. It's serving as a great extension to her activities in Rebels, as well as a welcome return of (most of) the crew of the Ghost.

  5. @Bob: But, do you think Lando stands a "ghost" of a chance, here?

    [Reactivates tomato-proof force field, just in case.]

  6. Too bad they can't get help from shield swinging Cap for this.

  7. Totally off the topic, but an Internet wormhole had me thinking about Josie and the Pussycats.

    I note you've only used them once....

    Anyway, I was wondering - how many of these comic book characters have ever did a gig as musicians? Could be an unusual team-up, or "Battle of the Bands"....

  8. Not a bad idea, Rich. In addition to Josie and the Pussycats, from Archie Comics, there are the Impossibles from Hanna-Barbera...and the Gold Key adaptation of the Monkees!

  9. KISS and the Beatles have also had their comic-book appearances, though as with the Monkees that's the reverse of what Richard was asking about: comic book characters who did a gig as musicians (not the other way around). Besides the Impossibles and Josie and the Pussycats, the only comic-book professional musical performer that I can think of is Alison Blair aka Dazzler. (Sapphire, from the Champions TTRPG and Champions Online MMORPG, only marginally counts, being a character from a game that's supposed to emulate comics.)

    On a related note, how about the Harlem Globetrotters vs the Space Jam Toon Squad?
