Saturday, September 2, 2023

Captain America and Air Wave


I actually experienced a few Brooklyn blackouts during my 20 years living in NYC.  I remember one time my friend in the building came to my place and we cooked everything in the fridge on the gas stove and played scrabble by candlelight while listening to battery operated radio.  We definitely made the best of it, it was a fun night actually!


  1. I don't know Air Wave, but I'm struck by how similar he is, costume-wise, to the Vision in yesterday's cover. Any link between the two you have planned?

  2. @Davejonz: Air Wave was a Golden Age DC hero. The secret identity of Larry Jordan; frustrated District Attorney and amateur radio genius. Fighting crime, extra-legally, with the help of his electronic gadgets and his amazingly bright parrot, Static. He was ret-conned in the very early Eighties to being the first cousin once-removed of GL Hal Jordan. Thereby allowing the "new improved" Air Wave (Larry's son) to be Hal's namesake second cousin.*

    @Ross: I've always found blackouts to be a major nuisance. Especially the big East Coast one, back in the early Sixties, that was supposedly caused by a UFO!

    *A teenage cousin, at that! Indicating that Larry had evidently settled down, to being a husband and father, rather late in life.

  3. I would love to see this redone with Air Wave’s colors changed to red, white and blue so the teen is Cap’s new sidekick. And the A on his chest stands for America so it’s perfect

  4. These two heroes are a fine representation of how you got through the blackouts, Ross: American resiliency, and a radio. (I can't think of many other Brooklyn-specific heroes, besides Miles Morales.)

    Here in Oregon, we had plenty of winter blackouts in the 60s, some lasting for three or four days. We ended up camping out in the living room and (as I recall) eating lots of sandwiches.

    Of course, my memory is suspect, especially since I remember Air Wave as being published by a "third-party" company.

  5. @Bob Greenwade: nope! The Golden Age Air Wave debuted in Detective Comics v. 1/#60 (Feb. 1942).

    @ Carycomic: his son, the younger/hipper Air Wave, actually debuted in 1978.

  6. Additional postscript for Werehawk: see "The A-Listers" (STF #3460 @ 10/23/2021).

  7. I'd love to see golden age Lois Lane (or similar, like Darwin Cooke's version) meeting up with Olive Oyl.

    1. Sorry autocorrect. Darwin.

    2. Autocorrect won't let me work his name properly. D A R W Y N.

  8. Hard to say much when so much is already covered. Air Wave with Vision could be cute with A.W. looking a bit like a "son". And this is one area where Vision is a light weight.

  9. # Anon@7:47: which Darwin are you referring to? The controversial 19th century biologist? Or Lancelot Link's boss at A.P.E.

  10. #Anon1032: Lancelot Link?! Wow! That brings back fond memories...of February 2015.


  11. Back in the day, as a youngster, I would've loved to see Lance Link teamed with Maxwell Smart. Now, thanks to Ross, it's almost possible!

  12. Failing that, I'd love to see Inspector Gadget and Agent Tom of T.H.U.M.B. go up against M.A.D.(canonical acronym for their respective adversaries).

  13. I believe Anon5:34 was referring to Darwyn Cooke --ie JL New Frontier.

  14. Ah! Gotcha. Thanks. :-)

  15. I wonder if the hand models used by the original artists, for those firearm poses, ever got time-and-a-half for working on Federal holidays like Labor Day?
