Sunday, July 2, 2023

Blue Beetle and The Punisher

 Here's another unlikely pairing.  I can't really seen these two working together unless presented with a scenario like the one above.  It might be interesting to see how their different attitudes and crimefighting styles clash when they find themselves battling side by side.  


  1. Oh, I don't know, Ross. An even unlikelier pairing would be the 3rd Blue Beetle, Jamie Reyes, with Cecilia "Dr. Forcefield" Reyes! As in, it's possible you'll post such a cover-sim, someday. But, I don't think it'll be any time in the near-future (due to the understandable scarcity of compatible images).

  2. I agree with you, Ross. Unlike the Animal-Man/Machine-Man team-up from the other day, this one would be destined to be a one-off. In the end, I don't think they'd get along, and they might even part as enemies.

  3. Piling on here. I can't imagine a world where Ted is ok with Frank's methods. That said the cover is fantastic

  4. Frank would be going after a major threat while Ted runs interference. After dealing with Spider-Man, Frank would be aware of a number of non-helpers he might encounter on "errands".

  5. Jack and Tobor are right. For instance, the Punisher would be sure to treat the multi-colored Mad Men as mad dogs!

  6. I mean, THE WATCHMEN gave us Nite-Owl II and the Comedian as a team, even if it was just in a flashback, and that's an awful lot like Blue Beetle II and the Punisher.

  7. A Jokerized Punisher, at that.

  8. I hope that Ted makes an appearance in the Blue Beetle movie. I saw a still from the movie and both Dan Garrett’s and Ted’s costumes are shown.
