Friday, April 21, 2023

Dr. Fate and The Hulk


There's been lots of talk about General Thunderbolt Ross' Red Hulk showing up in The Thunderbolts, and possibly Captain America: New World Order as well.  Where does that leave Bruce Banner's cinematic future?  She-Hulk ended with a huge reveal that he brought back an off-world son, so that's got to be dealt with somewhere.  Still, I haven't heard anything about where The Hulk is supposed to be featured next.  Let's hope that wherever he shows up, he'll get back to his savage side.

Doctor Fate (along with a couple of mages) previously crossed paths with The Hulk in STF #1949...


  1. Well, they obviously didn't free him of his curse...or destroy him. So, they must've found a third alternative! Like, say, giving Bruce Banner some of Eric Strauss' personality? But, if that were the case, why would Kent Nelson want to transfer all the rest of his mystic power into Old Jade Jaws?

    Only a part two will answer these questions.

  2. Truth to tell, Anon; I think you and I are the only ones here who even vaguely remember the Strauss family phase of Dr. Fate's super-wizarding career!


  3. poor old Eric , dumped so quickly that next to no Readers remember his run,
    in this case maybe old Dr. Fate puts that nasty little god of law ( Nabu ) into him to hand out bad and painful advice…
    and get a few hours of peace and quiet…

  4. I think we can count on some fun stuff with Bruce and Skaar. Elizabeth Olson recently revealed that Kevin Feige listens to the actors about where they want their character arcs to go, and tends to do that, and Mark Ruffalo has had some pretty specific ideas (which he hasn't revealed publicly) about Bruce, so where this goes will be interesting to see. I, too, would welcome the return of the Hulk personality, and for at least one movie (or at least a couple of TV episodes) I'd love to see the reversal that was in place for a while, with Bruce in Hulk's body and Hulk in Bruce's. And the return of the separate personalities would be a good way to explore Dissociative Personality Disorder, as well as bring some of his other personalities from the comics like Joe Fixit the The Maestro.

    Then, when that's in full swing, team him up with Moon Knight. It's about time for Marc, Stephen, and Jake to start interacting with the rest of the MCU, and seeing those three personalities in various combinations with Bruce's would make for a lot of fun.

    Along similar lines, I'd still like to see Legion and Crazy Jane together. That would make for a highly unpredictable story!

    PS: It also just occurred to me that you could drop Kit Walker on the planet Naboo for an entirely different take on "The Phantom Menace"!

  5. The Hulk would make for a pretty wild mystic. And it would be something to see Dr. Fate "Hulk-out" instead.

  6. Or have Jar Jar Binks somehow teleported to Bengalla to menace the Phantom with his clumsiness!


  7. The Hulk is a sitting duck
    Dr Fate is out of luck
    Better call Alpha Flight 'cause
    This is a job for Captain Puck!!

  8. The only member of Alpha Flight who ever made Wolverine look like an NBA draftee.

  9. Mention of Jar Jar reminds me of the Darth Jar Jar theory I still find so interesting.

  10. I think it more likely that Jar Jar was merely an apprentice under the Quarren Sith Lord Rala Yan (aka Darth Alhoon).


  11. This just occurred to me. Darth Jar-Jar vs. Jedi Master Gonzo the Great!

    I must need more coffee. Only a mind still half-asleep could think of something so warped.

  12. @Anon945: Something tells me Ross would have a comparatively easier time finding an image of Filmation Jim Kirk that could be used to simulate him kissing Miss Piggy from "Pigs In Space"!

  13. @Carycomic: maybe Ross could do that for STF #4050 (on or about May 16)?

  14. With Jim Kirk parroting Dr. Zira's closing line, to Charlton Heston, in POTA'68!!!

  15. Dear Ross: how about Prof. Muerte of Terror, Inc. (Eclipse Comics & Heroic Publishing) vs. Shrek of Terror, Inc. (Epic and Marvel Comics)?
