Monday, April 24, 2023

Captain Universe and Archie


An energy from space that gives ordinary people amazing powers?  Sure, I can roll with that.  The two hottest girls in high school fighting over an awkward redhead? Now you are really stretching credibility (if my personal experience is anything to go on).  Still, in the world of comics, the impossible happens on a daily basis.  No wonder they provided an escape from the real world for so many of us as kids.


  1. Excellent cover! I would've flipped if I saw this back in the 60's!

    (By the way: they're)(sorry, former technical writer here...)

  2. (Uh, I mean 70's...and 80's. Captain Universe was created in '79. I had to look that up...)

  3. It could be worse, Arch. Imagine if it were Golden Age Green Lantern with a crush on Pureheart the Powerful! Or (arguably) worst of all; Silver Age Hawk and Dove as the Captains Universe!!

  4. I'm only aware of one instance where two people got the Uni-Power at the same time (female twins, which I think is where you got today's image), but once is enough for a precedent, both for this cover and for Cary's suggestion of Hawk & Dove.

    You know who should become Captain Universe for a time? Jimmy Olson, so he can work along side his pal, Superman.

    A bit closer to reality, I wonder if I'll live long enough to see Marvel introduce Captain Universe to the MCU. I think It'd make a cool anthology series for Disney+, possibly for Phase Six or Phase Seven.

    PS: Since Iron Beetle's already had an action figure, how about an animated series?

  5. @Bob Oooh, that would be so cool!!! They could even do it in the What If animation style, with each episode focusing on a different MCU secondary/tertiary character! Could you just imagine Scott Lang's pal Luis becoming Captain Universe? Or Darcy Lewis? Or even Morgan Stark?

  6. All taking place in Earth-199999, of course. Other possibilities would include Trevor Slattery, Michelle Jones-Watson, Kate Bishop, Nakia Bahadir (Ms. Marvel's best friend), Foggy Nelson, and Nick Fury.

    Personally, though, I think the first episode should feature Luis (and that we should finally learn his last name therein, if we haven't in something else by then).

  7. could have Archie and Jimmy team up. Also Betty & Veronica with Mary Jane & Gwen could be very intriguing.

    Too bad Wonder Woman as Captain Universe couldn't take on Phoenix.

  8. Or, even better? Jimmy Olsen as a ginger Vulture taking on Spidey and Hawk & Dove!

    Those three haven't worked together since STF #1806.

  9. @Anon227; please, no! I'd rather see Archie as the new Giant Turtle Man.

  10. Jughead and Dagwood Bumstead have to team up to out-eat Matter Eater Lad or the universe is doomed.

  11. @Alec: Ross has already done one or two similar covers, though not quite exactly that.

  12. It could have been worse for Archie, it could have been Miss Grundy as Captain Universe.;)

  13. Bob Greenwade said...
    "All taking place in Earth-199999, of course. Other possibilities would include Trevor Slattery, Michelle Jones-Watson, Kate Bishop, Nakia Bahadir (Ms. Marvel's best friend), Foggy Nelson, and Nick Fury."

    I would like to see Alfred Pennyworth as Captain Universe, rescuing not only Batman but at least one or two other JLA members as well...

  14. @Simreeve: Alfred as Captain Universe would be an interesting thing. So would Judy Hopps, now that I think of it (thanks to the more recent cover).

  15. How about Judy Hopps as a member of Hasbro's Team GI JOE? Ross could entitle it... "Rabbit Deployment!"
