Friday, March 17, 2023

The Graveyard Shift in: "Sentenced to Life!"

 I thought that for the third appearance I would add in a new member.  I got a few suggestions in their previous appearances, and I thought that Batman13's idea of bringing in Casper was a good one.  He'll add some youth to this team of dead heroes.  The Graveyard Shift was last seen trapped in The House of Secrets in STF #3870, and they first assembled in STF #3290...


  1. They just realized they'd have to start paying taxes again! But cheer up, it's St. Patrick's Day. Have one on me. 10 more covers to go 'til #4000?

  2. @Ken: Yep! Circa March 26!! :-)

    @Ross: So, basically, this is the seven hundredth issue-versary of their debut and the 120th issue-versary of their initial encore. Belated congratulations, deads! I mean, "dudes."

  3. Postscript, re: today's cover. Am I safe in assuming that Casper succeeded in helping Jack and HB find whatever they were looking for in Aku's digs?

  4. Clearly, this is a very popular team; people are just dying to join. #BadPunNoCookie

    But I still favor Ghoul as a member.

    Also, I wonder what would happen if this team were to encounter Miracle Max....

  5. They still might have to contend with becoming thralls of Thanos, The Black Racer or Mistress Death. Or, the Black Lantern Corps has returned, and wants them to join their ranks. Things are tough when you are pigeonholed like this.

  6. PS: Here's a bizarre idea. What if a certain Mr. Allnut were to become a "Harold of Galactus"?

  7. @Ken R: maybe that could be Ross' next relation-shipper cover. Black Lantern Ch'p and Marvel Zombie Squirrel Girl!

  8. He'd probably fix the Ultimate Nullifier so it wouldn't nullify anything, anymore.

  9. The above was a postscript meant for Bob. Happy Wearin' of the Green, Wade!

  10. @ Bob - I had to do some digging there. I'm not sure who his adversaries would be, but a Bat-Lactus would be awesome!

    @ Anon 12:58 PM - Sure, I'd "greenlight" that one.

    Stay tuned for more blarney folks!

  11. Wait 'till you see what they get for good behavior....non life...Bizarros.

  12. Cassandra Patterson (as Elvira): "A Frankenstein Monster clone wearing Superman's costume and talking like Yoda? Like, that's more than mad science. That's totally bizarro!"

    Creature in question: "Bizarro?! Me dislike that name, so little!"

  13. Ah, Bizarro... it's been a while, hasn't it? I just put a post on the next cover forward about Grimlock. Put both of those two together with the Hulk, and you have a "brawn with little brain" trio, all speaking broken English. Making a team of such individuals would be tough, though; the only other such character that I can think of is Grog (from B.C.).

  14. But for the Graveyard Shift, someone, or SOMETHING brought them back. Will we ever find out why?

  15. Casper can also be the conscience of the team: Don't scare people!


  16. Blogger Unknown said...
    Wait 'till you see what they get for good behavior....non life...Bizarros.

    March 18, 2023 at 3:58 AM

    That was supposed to be my name...

  17. @Unknown Blogger: you brought the Graveyard Shift back?

    Run for the hills! IT'S NEKRON!!!!!

  18. Carycomic, is that you??

  19. Now, it is. How are you doing this fine Sunday morn? :-)

  20. Had some crossed wires with signing in when i brought up the Bizarros.

  21. @Tobor: how fitting! They do their "best" thinking with crossed wires. :-)
