Saturday, March 25, 2023

The Falcon and Jimmy Olsen


I'll be interested to see if Jimmy Olsen will be a part of Janes Gunn's Superman: Legacy.  Gunn seems to want to go back to basics with the property, so I think there's a good chance we'll see Superman's Pal.  The real question is, will we see a ginger live action Jimmy for the first time ever?  


  1. Redwing & Red head? Jimmy hasn't been seen as you say, and even left Supergirl early.

  2. Interesting question, Ross. if you had asked it of me, I would've replied: "I won't be holding my breath."

  3. I could see Falcon teaming up with Jimmy's "Flamebird" persona. Heck, Jimmy even owns a Legion Flight Ring so.............

  4. I wonder who Elastic Lad's counterpart would be in the Shi'ar Imperial Guard?

  5. I thought I saw somewhere recently that Gunn specifically mentioned being a fan of Jimmy Olsen, but I may be crossing my wires somewhere. I still figure there's a good chance, and as for the red hair... well, one can hope! Fingers crossed!

  6. I've been asking that question for awhile now. The last one was bald.

  7. Jimmy Olsen will be just like The Doctor: still not a ginger.

  8. Of course we all know that the most famous Ginger in the world is Tina Louise.

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  11. I wonder if Jimmy will become a were-Wookiee should he get bitten by that shaggy man?

  12. @Carycomic: isn't that basically what Goku the Saiyan is?
