Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Starfire and Namorita

 I've seen too many awesome cosplays of Starfire to believe that the version on the streaming Titans series is the best that they could have given us.  James Gunn professes to be a fan of the Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans years, so let's hope we see a more comics' accurate version on the big screen somewhere down the line.  After Namor's cinematic debut, I don't hold out much hope for Namoritia receiving a faithful portrayal.


  1. Well, if you want to count Gotham Knights as the next step in story telling...what with that inspirational batman costume and the love shown for the Court of Owls, Starfire's future should be pretty clear. All you really need is Jack Webb to make it perfect.

  2. Why should Marvel Films be more canonical, to Nita's origin, than Marvel Comics, itself, was? First, she's the daughter of Namor's cousin Namora. Then, she's demoted to a mere clone as part of some pseudo-Lovecraftian story arc in one of the Submariner's revived comic runs!

  3. @Detective tobor: "Bum-bum-bum-bum! Bum-bum-bum-bum-BUM! This is the city. Gotham City! What some might call 'The City of Fallen Angels.' My name is Friday. I work here. I'm a cop."

  4. I don't mind these characters being played by actresses of different ethnicities and think a CGI-painted orange-skinned live action Starfire would be a bit bizarre, but I can agree that there could be a better live action Titans series.

  5. Namorita will likely be changed to fit the MCU vision of Talokan: she'll be blue, breathe only water, and bear Meso-American cultural imagery. Otherwise I think we can expect more similarities than differences; Marvel has a pretty good record of that (aside from Mantis).

  6. (AAAHHH YES!!) This IS the city. we were working the paranormal crimes unit during first shift when the call came in. My partner got it. Her name is Starfire.
    (Hey, it's like Powers!)

  7. Oh wow. What a splendid cover. One if your best for sure! I’d buy this right now! Great job!!

  8. I feel fortunate that I could give a rat's a$$ about whether or not things are changed for live action. I'm fine as long as the story and acting are good.

  9. @Bob Greenwade; you mean, aside from Mantis and Drax. Or am I the only one here old enough to remember he was originally conceived and drawn as a Martian Manhunter analog (including Superman-level flight etc.)?

  10. @Cary: I consider Drax a borderline case of that. Mantis is basically an entirely different character.

  11. Sort of like; movie-Drax = 180-degree reversal but movie-Mantis = 360 degrees?

  12. 360 degrees brings one back around to the original direction. It's more like, Drax is a 45 degree turn, while Mantis is a sudden drop along the Z-axis.

  13. All I'm saying is that Mantis and Drax weren't the only two radical alterations made on characters from comic book to silver screen by Marvel Film makers. And, sadly, I don't think they'll be the last.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Now, _this_ is the Starfire I love and remember. Green pupiless eyes; awesome flying visuals; and a kick-butt warrior's attitude that would've endured her to both Queen Hippolyta and Grifter's girlfriend from "The Wild C.A.T.S.".

  16. @Anon1214: I think you meant to say, "endeared." LOL! :-)

  17. @Carycomic: my bad!
