Thursday, March 23, 2023

Silver Surfer and Wonder Woman


I am interested in the Amazons series that is being readied for HBO Max.  Will Diana herself be a part of the series.  I'm not sure when it will take place so I don't know if she will already be off the island, or if we will see a young Diana in training - or perhaps the show will predate her birth.  Hopefully we will get some more details soon.


  1. Is this supposed to be Talokan (the MCU Mayan rain god), himself? If so, I congratulate you on doing deeper background research than ever before!

    1. Probably Tomazooma's Aztec cousin Bob ........

  2. Which Diana - daughter of Zeus or daughter of sand?

  3. Ross, have you ever had to use a black and white image and convert it to color for one of your covers? Like, if you couldn’t find a particular color image of a hero that would fit perfectly in a cover, but found a perfect fit image, but it was in black in white?

  4. Just once, for Dick Tracy meets Calvin & Hobbes

  5. @Det. Tobor: I take it your alluding to her original origin. That is; that she was incarnated from Grecian clay endowed with Olympian magic.

  6. Anon7:01, too true. Went from Hera helping with the birth to Zeus enjoying a fling, getting someone pregnant (again?). How many kids has he helped father around the world(s)??
    Can't wait to see changes to Superman. Jor-el, finds out his great grandparents came to Krypton from a different planet. Supergirl has.
    Bruce Wayne has gone from Joe Chill killing his parents, to pre-Joker criminal having done it. Court of Owls coming up next at "bat".
    And who can forget Barry going from a Flash in the pan, to having a guardian angel, to being self made by becoming his own bolt of lightning?
    DC is insured... They have Quantum Leap changes the history of the character every 20 years to keep it " fresh".

  7. Love Kirby! Great cover. How about Professor X and Metron (The New Gods) versus MODOK and The Brain (Teen Titans)?

  8. @Det. Tobor: such leaping was once considered quite an "Innovation." But, like the Green Hornet line of comics that came out in the 1980's, it is NOW defunct.


  9. How about Prof. X vs. Dr. Double-X? Or Inspector Gadget's dog helps Inch High, Private Eye take on Pinky and his boss in...

    "Battle of the Brains!

  10. @Carycomic, QL is on NBC on Monday at 10 pm on east coast. It's been on for a few months now.

  11. ps, it IS a continuation of the original...with Al's wife among others.20 p!us years later.

  12. Given NBC's track record with prime-time sci-fi, I don't have much faith it will last past a season or two. The five-year run of the original series was a minor miracle. JOURNEYMAN; DEBRIS? Their brevity, quite sadly, has proven more typical. And their combination of acting and great continuity of story-telling I found riveting to actually _hope_ for second seasons for each of those shows!

    So, of course, they were cancelled by NBC. Don't even get me started on the final season of MANIFEST!!! I can only hope they keep Season 3 of LA BREA on mainstream TV.

  13. @Tobor: The new Quantum Leap has Al's daughter (her mother being only a recurring character), as well as Ernie Hudson as Herbert "Magic" Williams, a Vietnam vet whom Sam Beckett once leapt into (in Season 3 of the original).

  14. I've always wondered if Alia the (initially) Evil Leaper--from the fifth season of the original series--might have been Sam's niece--aka his younger sister's daughter--from an alternate future.

  15. Quantum Leap fans, there are a couple QL groups in Facebook. We cover each current episode and a number of things on the original. I joined a few months ago and there are some good points people have brought up and great questions on results of changing timelines.

    With DC, years ago, they gave us HYPERTIME that connects all the different timelines. It's been Interesting to see what they have done with "time" as a kind of "location". Now if they could only get their stories straight instead of trying to " fix" everything each time sales go down. Better writters and editors could make some real differences.

  16. Only if those writters are also better proofreaders. ;-)

  17. @Anon 9:01, priority 1:get a good writer
    Priority 2: a good editor to keep the story correct AND to proofread for spelling.

    Getting good ideas, told well is a big enough challenge.
