Sunday, February 19, 2023

The Avengers and Warlord


Marvel has had the jump on DC when it comes to getting their characters and concepts into the movies for a while now, but DC has had a few wins so far.  Getting their version of Atlantis on the screen before Marvel could introduce Namor was a big one.  Now I am wondering which prehistoric society will show up first - Warlord and Skartaris or Ka-Zar and the Savage Land?  I haven't heard of plans for either, but I hope we'll see one or the other in the next decade.


  1. May need him for his daughter or his friend. None of the Avengers would work a sweat in disarming and capturing Travis. Maybe something rich in the land they need?

  2. In answer to your question, Ross, I'd seriously have to guess...the Savage Land. Marvel Films already put their foot in that door by introducing the fact, in WAKANDA FOREVER, that the Black Panther's homeland no longer has a monopoly on meteoric vibranium. Hence, detection of the Antarctic variety is only a matter of time.*

    With regard to today's cover simulation? I'm wondering if Deimos has teamed up with Psyklop.

    *And I still think depicting that detection as being made from Earth orbit, by Reed Richard and Friends, is the way to go for introducing the FF for the (most fittingly) fourth and (hopefully) last time.

  3. Expect the Savage Land to be a part of things long before it even occurs to anyone at DC to take a chance on Skataris.

  4. They'll cinematically introduce clean-shaven Green Arrow before they debut Skartaris. ;-)

  5. Suggestion for a near-future cover: Warlord vs. Deadpool!

  6. Just for laughs (literally), how about The Shadow and The Creeper vs. The Joker and The Green Goblin?

  7. Tentative title? "The Deadliest Medicine!"

  8. P.S.@ Carycomic (re: 8:18)---why not? If nothing else, such a team-up could be used to finally intro those two super-villains, here.

    P.S. @ Ross: speaking of intros, how about Warlord vs. Devil Dinosaur?

  9. Hmm, Skartaris... I wonder if it could make its way into the Creature Commandos show we're supposed to be getting?

  10. We've actually already seen Skartaris in "Aquaman". I mean, they didn't say the name, but it's a fantastical hidden land at the center of the Earth, so it's basically Skartaris. I was utterly flabbergasted to see it actually on the big screen.

  11. Oh, you mean that underground oasis Queen Mother Atlanna hid out in? For some reason, that didn't strike me as Skartaris.

  12. I realize that I am almost certainly in the minority on this (so what else is new?), I have to say that - given that the Ka-Zar character originated in a series of pulp novels written by Bob Byrd and published in the late 1930s - I've never really considered him to be a Marvel character anymore than Tarzan, Doc Savage, or Godzilla were Marvel characters. Granted, most people today know of his through the Marvel stories, but to me that's a little like saying that most people know of Davy Crockett and Zorro because of Walt Disney.

  13. Given how many web-surfing Millenials bad-mouthed Paul McCartney as "some old guy with a bad voice" when he won his Lifetime Achievement Grammy, not that long ago, I wouldn't be shocked if some of those same know-nothings think Jules Verne was working directly for Walt Disney when he wrote 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA!

  14. I--reluctantly--have to agree with Anon326 on this one.

  15. I too, think that Anon@3:26 is either correct, or at least close to it, for what was stated. After all, there was that rather notorious paper the claimed that Lord of the Rings was a rip-off of Harry Potter.

  16. Insert "mournful head-shaking" icon, here.

  17. I'm sorry, but nothing beats being at a "big box store" and talking to a cashier about heroes. And he mentioned the Green Hornet was a rip of the Brown Hornet (of Bill Cosby fame). How to adjust thinking and communication to him to explain the Green Hornet has been around since the 1940s... I just went with the Brown Hornet was a kind of mad satire done by Cosby after the 1966 Green Hornet show with Bruce Lee.
