Sunday, January 1, 2023

Nightwing and Gambit


When Robert Jackson, a Patron of this blog, suggested this pairing, I was surprised that I had not gotten to it yet, it really does seem like a natural.  So, thank you, Robert!  There's lots of speculation as to who will play each character on the big screen, but I think it will be some time before we see either.  Dick Grayson needs at least one movie as Robin before changing his super-heroic identity if they want to do his story justice, and while Gambit is cool, he certainly should not be among the first group of X-Men introduced (though I do like the suggestion of Austin Butler for the role).  


  1. Happier New Year. Nightwing has been a bit underused.

  2. A Commie in charge of Hydra?! Baron Von Strucker must be spinning in his grave (however temporarily).

    At the risk of saying it once too often? Happy New Year, Ross! :-)

  3. There's a recent Nightwing/Flash crossover where they run into KGBeast and Wally absolutely beats the tar out of him for what he did to Dick. It was a thing of beauty.

  4. If Nightwing is to get to the big screen, he can't wait for Robin. The current movie version (The Batman) isn't the type to have a sidekick. The current Robin is always either going solo or teamed with one of his "big brothers". The Titans show on DCU/HBO MAX has shown the Robin to Nightwing transition already, so Nightwing is ready for a lead role.

  5. Happy 2023 to all, and particularly to Robert who got to start the year seeing his own idea here. And it is indeed a seemingly natural pairing -- not one that I'd expect to be a regular thing, but perhaps something occasionally recurring.

  6. If only Justin Wilson the Cookin' Cajun were with us he could do an old retired Gambit in a Sentinels or Old Man Logan timeline.

  7. @Carycomic: Actually, it seems appropriate to me, since Fascism and Communism are more alike than they are different.

    Both are totalitarian political systems based on conning gullible, desperate people into supporting criminal organizations which masquerade as political parties.

    Note how Russia easily flipped from being a Communist nation to being a Fascist nation, with a former KGB apparatchik as the head Fascist.

  8. These two briefly did meet in the DC vs Marvel crossover. Batman was watching Wolverine Fight Killer Croc and then Gambit threw some cards at Nightwing (for some reason). Gambit than hotwired and stole the Batmobile w/ Wolverine. Maybe the blog can follow up on that random encounter sometime.

  9. @Ocarey: only if one or both of the Big Two permit their writers to "Access" that dangling plot thread.
