Saturday, January 7, 2023

Justice League of America Vs. Duck Dodgers


The Duck Dodgers shorts are among my favorite Daffy Duck appearances.  Like all kids, I loved the Looney Tunes characters, and I was fascinated with outer space epics once Star Wars hit the scene in 1977 - so anything that combined the two was sure to appeal to my young eyes.  Heck, they still appeal to my rapidly aging eyes!


  1. So no Wonder Woman huh?? Well if you're going to work with Duck Dodgers can he meet Freakazoid?? DD and the Atom? That'S gonna cause a firestorm.
    Next month or so, the British musicial play, Back to the Future, is coming to broadway. Did pretty well in London.
    And the Flash is coming back for the shortened 9th season. Superman has one season left and that's a wrap. CW,DC, Warner Brothers, ...all the dreams we used to have. ah well.

  2. Don't be so quick to smugly smile, Daff. The Atom's about to give you one fowl migraine. While all Firestorm has to do is change your ray gun into an Acme Reintegrating Pistol!

  3. P.S. @ Tobor: Diana was probably absent due to exhaustion...from reconciling with Cap. ;-D

  4. @ Carycomic: knowing Cap, he was probably feeling remorseful all over the place. Despite the fact that Amora had effectively brainwashed him!

  5. I agree, Duck Dodgers were great cartoons! Along with Stupor Duck, those got me interested in science fiction and comics! I think I've seen the JLA being disintegrated somewhere, but didn't know it was from Duck Dodgers! Initially I wondered why they were vs rather than team up, maybe they got annoyed at Daffy's antics! Similar to Bat-Mite and Mr Mxyzptlk, they get on your nerves! But I can see Duck Dodgers wanting to battle the JLA as shown. Maybe next time they can work together against a villain!
    Thanks again for a good laugh!

  6. You can never go wrong with Duck Dodgers on a cover. On a mission though, that's a whole other catastrophe XD

    Speaking of Stupor-Duck, I'd love to see him and Super Bugs teaming up against Bizarro
    Or Wile E Coyote in his Acme Bat-Man costume taking on Harley Quinn

  7. So, Dodgers the Acme Disintegrating Pistol to actually work as advertised, eh? And Firestorm saying, "You're despicable!" is as classic as when J'Onn J'Onzz warned Marvin the Martian, "You are making me very angry!" (in the actual published crossover with the two). All in all, a very fun cover, Ross.

    It also gives me hope that we might someday see the Tasmanian Devil (DC) and the Tasmanian Devil (Loony Tunes). The latter might also be fun to team up with Matter-Eater Lad (and maybe even Wakko Warner) in a battle bid to save the planet Bismoll from Galactus.

    I checked on the Duck Dodgers tab, and was surprised to see that he has yet to encounter Adam Strange, or be dropped into the Star Wars universe. Regarding the latter, someone recently asked for Asajj Ventress to make an appearance on this blog, and Dodgers' bumbling might be just the thing for the period when she's trying to turn to the light side (and thus trying to resist the temptation to kill the duck).

  8. If I remember correctly, the original disintegrated-Leaguers cover comes from JLA (original series) #120, part 1 of a two-part team-up with Adam Strange against their mutual old foe, Kanjar Ro.

    @Big Mike: Unfortunately for Wile E., he discovers that Harley borrowed a pet Burmese Tiger (Latin name Surprisibus! Surprisibus!) from Catwoman.

  9. Come to think of it--it seems strange that the ineffectual DD would actually be capable of disintegrating Leaguers.

    Plus, he's supposed to be one of the good guys.

    Maybe that's not really DD? Maybe that's a Durlan, or a White Martian?

  10. @Paul Green: "...they get on your nerves."

    So does Calvin of "... & Hobbs" fame! Which makes me wonder; who would get the worst of it if Calvin crossed paths with Daffy Duck? Either as Stupor Duck vs. Stupendous Man or Duck Dodgers vs. Spaceman Spiff.

    Callers may begin weighing in with their opinions, now.

  11. @Kid Charlemagne: Suffering Succotash! You're right. It's really...Marvin the White Martian!!

  12. @Kid C: I'd go with a Skrull, myself.

    (My goodness -- could you imagine a Skrullos-Durla war?)

  13. PS: Another bit of name fun: Duck Dodgers, Darkwing Duck, and Daredevil! Doing their due diligence to defeat the dastardly duo of Doctor Doom and... uh... I'm not sure who else, but you get the idea.

  14. Anonymous -- Duck Dodgers met Spaceman Spiff here about a month ago in Issue #3888

  15. @Bob Greenwade: how about Dr. Doom and Dinky Dalton (of Huckleberry Hound fame)?

  16. It's definitely duck season now. And I think Firestorm is going to have his hands full if he tries to put the JLA back together.

  17. I don't think Firestorm will have much of a problem rebuilding them, he's going to have help Atom by Atom.

  18. And if that's not enough, the Atom could consult his Golden Age namesake and Stargirl. Alias...Pratt & Courtney.*

    *I understand they've been hovering in the wings like helicopters.

  19. @BigMike and Carycomic: then I'll settle for my first suggestion. The eventual debut of Stupendous Man vs. Stupor Duck!

  20. Just out of curiosity: can Space Phantom of the Rossverse take over the form of a Disney and/or WB character?

  21. Black Canary's blond hair wasn't affected by the pistol(unlike Supes & GL's hair)so DD's weapon is likely powered by something on OA. Maybe a team-up with Ch'p would clarify this in a future cover?
