Friday, December 16, 2022

Nova and Raven


Raven has a demonic, conquering father to contend with, so she might be more prepared for a battle with Thanos than most.  He seems susceptible to appeals to his emotions, and her soul self might give him some difficulty.  Of course, Psimon influencing him as well would be an issue - let's hope Nova recovers in time to lend a hand.

Coming tomorrow: STF #3900!


  1. Thanos? Mind-controlled?? By Psimon??! Nah! Couldn't happen. I'd be quicker to believe that it was the other way around. Namely; that Psimon was in thrall to one of those slave discs Thanos invented for Basil "The Controller" Sandhurst.

    Unless Psimon's telepathy was being used to bolster someone else's ability to control minds. Like, say, the Mad Thinker's on-again/off-again ally, the Puppet Master? It's canonically established that, with the right amount of Wundagorian clay, he can even control a telepath as powerful as Charles Xavier!

    So doing the same thing to Psimon would be comparatively easier than trying to use a clay figurine of Thanos to control the latter, directly.

  2. @Carycomic, the only thing missing there-- for using the clay would be using Scooby-doo & gang to unmask who was controlling who.

  3. @Tobor: Nah! He should save that confrontation for the Blue Falcon and Dynomutt.

  4. Dynomutt will have his paws full.... tomorrow!

  5. Ross, You didn't!!??!! And we didn't get you anything.
