Thursday, November 3, 2022

Captain Hero and Power Man & Iron Fist


Jughead shouldn't be a stranger to dealing with Solomon Grundy since the undead mobster's sister teaches at Riverdale High, as depicted in STF #850.  Luke Cage has also run into the brute on a solo mission, as depicted in STF #1648. 

It's just been announced that the current season of Stargirl will be the final one.  Let's hope that we get one more Grundy appearance before the show wraps up.


  1. Didn't the Super Skrull once pose as a "Shazam" pastiche called Capt. Hero (in some Khan-voluted plot against Fist and Cage)?

  2. I permanently stopped watching "Stargirl" after the third episode of Season 1. That was way too early for any kind of character-death (no matter how "integral to the plot")!

  3. Never encountered "Captain Hero" before, but cool costume.

  4. Think i heard cw wants to go much cheaper on budgets for shows than super hero shows, especially if Netflix has lost so many viewers. I keep hearing HBO MAX has lost its sanity and DC has lost most of whatever it has had left.

    Maybe for a future cover Ross, you could try Captain Hero vs Condiment King?

  5. That this would be the final season of Stargirl was kind of a foregone conclusion, since Warner is moving all DC properties over to HBO Max. I'll miss the show, as I've enjoyed it from the start, and maybe I'll start a subscription to HBO Max someday when DC and WB pull their collective heads out of... er... the sand.

    Of course, Grundy's realization, in terms of both visuals and character, is far superior on Stargirl than it was on Gotham. The latter show did many things brilliantly, but that was not one of them.

    Here's a question for those of you currently following the comics: Has Grundy ever met Swamp Thing?

    As for today's cover, your title illustrates why this is a perfect team-up encounter that, under the right circumstances, could happen in a real-world comic.

    (And seeing Captain Hero also made me think of Captain Avenger, who I still would love to see teamed with the Crimson Avenger, the Toxic Avenger, et al, to form a team whose name they can't quite determine....)

  6. Bob Greenwade - Superman and Swamp Thing battled Solomon Grundy In DC Comics Presents # 8

  7. Swamp Thing & Grundy also met in issue 67 of Swamp Thing's book.

  8. Did Jughead meet these two through his cousin, Jessica?

  9. Have I missed it on the tags, or have Luke and Danny truly never met Ted Kord and Booster Gold?

  10. I'm still waiting for Darkseid vs. Pureheart the Powerful! ;-)

  11. @Carycomic: yep! In five separate issues of "Power Man and Iron Fist" from Nov. 1984 to Sept. 1985. But, the imposture wasn't disclosed till the Antarctic Savage Land story arc of "Namor The Submariner" (circa 1992).

  12. I only just saw emsley's suggestion of Captain Hero vs. Condiment King. That's too brilliant to pass up; consider it seconded!

  13. Bob Greenwade said...
    I only just saw emsley's suggestion of Captain Hero vs. Condiment King. That's too brilliant to pass up; consider it seconded!

    November 5, 2022 at 12:28 PM

    Bob G.???????????

  14. Capt. Hero would probably get into quite an unexpected pickle with the Condiment King.
