Friday, September 23, 2022

The Avengers Vs. The Crime Syndicate in: "Assembled... and Assaulted!"


This is the third meeting between these two teams, and this time around, I figured that I would opt for a Silver Age era match up.  They've previously had a Bronze Age style clash in STF #738, and entered into a Modern Age uneasy alliance in STF #3744...


  1. Wow! this must have taken you a long time.

    I think Owlman should be fighting Captain America and Iron Man should be fighting Power Ring, but then you always do mix things up, and the results are better than expected!

  2. Good Lord! What could possibly be next? The Squadron Supreme vs. The Inferior Five?!

    Bob Greenwade & Det. Tobor (chorusing): "Don't give him any ideas!"

    [They drive off meddler by pelting him with day-old cookies.]

  3. I'd settle for Clayface vs. Venom. I mean, if Ross can bring these two teams artistically together, three times in a row, Eddie Brock vs. Matt Hagen ought to be a snap!

  4. So, I guess this would indicate the two groups' first clash. Owlman vs. Iron Man looks a little awkward, but otherwise the poses match up beautifully.

    @Cary: I'm of the opposite opinion on that one. I'd love to see it!

  5. All that is missing is the Hulk!
    Also wondering where Ross plucked the images from. Care to share?

  6. Early JLA and Avengers interiors, don't ask me to remember which issues.

  7. Carycomic, your press agent job is calling.
    Superwoman's rope will change Hank and make him violent to Jan. Thor vs the little boy blue is going to be interesting. Beautiful job Ross.

  8. Bob Greenwade said...
    "So, I guess this would indicate the two groups' first clash. Owlman vs. Iron Man looks a little awkward, but otherwise the poses match up beautifully."

    Remember that the Owlman of this period has (due to the combination of his very high intelligence and his intensive training) a limited ability to affect other people's minds, particularly if they aren't expecting it: At the very least he should be able to throw Iron Man's aim off, and perhaps he could even do so well enough for a repulsor blast to hit another of the Avengers...

  9. @Simreeve: I believe your right. From the way Iron Man is staring in Cap's direction, I'd say Owlman is already telepathing where Shellhead should aim his repulsor blast.

    But, Cap's shield will no doubt deflect the blast at Johnny Quick.

    @Tobor: either that, or she'll just use it to have her nympho-dominering way with him (the way her civilian ID once did with the Jimmy Olsen of Earth 3).

  10. From the position in which Iron Man is standing, I think he's already being telepathically compelled to fire a repulsor burst in Cap's direction. But, as Cap's shield is a composite of adamantium and vibranium, the beam will no doubt be deflected in the direction of Johnny Quick.

  11. Carycomic many thanx for the inferior five recall.
