Sunday, September 4, 2022

Green Lantern and Rom in: "Emerald Outfitter!"

From what I have read, there is still no word on what is to become of the in-development Green Lantern Corps HBO Max series.  I'm not optimistic that it will actually make it to air, as Warner Bros./Discovery seems to want to shift away from streaming series, especially expensive ones.  If it does indeed go away, I hope there are plans for a big budget theatrical Green Lantern project announced soon.

Green Lantern and ROM's last meeting was a more contentious one, in STF #3457, and they first met in a backup feature in STF #1100...


  1. Good luck, Rom! Just remember, though: it ain't easy being green.

  2. Personally, while I'm all for a Green Lantern series, I have never been a fan of retconning Alan Scott to like his own gender. Not that I have anything against those who do. It's just that you don't take a character that's been around since the start of the Golden Age and make such a sudden/major change to them. DC/Warner Brothers could just have easily created a new GL in that role instead of altering a Justice Society icon.

  3. They could also have made post-Crisis Power Girl the daughter of Jor-El's twin brother, Nim-El! Thereby explaining the superficial resemblance between her and Supergirl (aside from the difference in preferred hair lengths, of course). But, they didn't. Probably because that would've...

    A)...made too much good sense.
    B)...defeated the purpose behind their wishful thinking (that they were providing streamlined "clarity" to the DCU).

  4. Unapologetic emphasis on the sarcastic quote marks.
