Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Venom and Green Lantern


I can still remember reading an issue of The Comic's Buyers' Guide and seeing plans for a new all-black Spider-Man suit.  I didn't think Marvel would stick with such a drastic change for more than an issue or two, but had to admit the new costume as illustrated by Rick Leonardi looked pretty cool.  Little did I realize what it would lead to. To think that Jim Shooter purchased the design off of a fan for a few hundred bucks!


  1. Venom as a GL?! What's next? Rocket Raccoon replacing Ch'p?

  2. He might not have any questions, per se. But, I strongly suspect Guy Gardner might make some definite statements to the contrary!

  3. Intriguing combination, Ross! :-) Any chance of a sequel? Like Medphyll mentoring Groot? Or Korg the Stone Man apprenticed to Chaselon?

  4. That's so confusing! Venom already forms - and fights with - different shapes from his body. Will he now form those shapes outside his body with the ring? Or some weird combination? I would love to see the training montage for that character. And considering his people's "dark" origin, does he cite the Black Lantern oath??? This one hurts my brain, lol!

  5. Venom as a Green Lantern? I would have thought him more suited for a yellow or red ring. But I have to admit, Venom has always been fearless.
    - Ordinaryguy2

  6. I wonder how fearless he'd be if he had to take on Spawn or Hellboy (or both!)?

  7. And at last we're back to handing out GL rings to any potential takers!

    Next up: Bail Organa, perhaps?

    (Still waiting on the doubtlessly-classic Deadpool/Green Lantern match-up!)

    1. I'm personally waiting for Deadpool and Harley Quinn, but yeah Deadpool and Green Lantern would be a great mash up!

  8. I'd rather see Scotty (from STAR TREK:TOS) become a GL.

    "Aye, Cap'n. I can finally give ya all the power ya want!"

  9. Based on the traditional “fearless” criterion for being a GL, the obvious candidate is Rowan Atkinson’s incompetent spy, Johnny English. From the poster: “He knows no fear. He knows no danger. He knows nothing.”

  10. Or, best of all? Deadpool and GL Hal Jordan having a tugo-of-war over Harley Quinn!*

    *Two photo-captures of Ryan Reynolds and one of Margot Robbie, in the style of that Silver Age B&B cover where Wonder Woman and Batgirl were competing for Batman the same way.

  11. @Anon@8:29: Ross could even team Mr. English up with one Mr. Smart.

  12. @BG849: why not? :-)

  13. @Bob and Anonymous: moved and 2nded!

  14. @Reg Aubrey: it could be worse. Can you imagine Ryan Reynolds playing Deadpool as "Jade" Wilson (the daughter of Golden Age GL)?*
