Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Gumby Vs. The Hulk


I'm  ready for a more savage, unpredictable Hulk to return to the MCU.  We know that Bruce Banner will appear in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, but once she is established, do we really need two intelligent Hulks running around?  I think that it will be better to have one classic version at least, and hopefully the series will at least set a path for that to happen.


  1. Hulk squish!...? Hulk not smash? Hulk THROW!!! That will teach little green man.

    Ya know, it just might. Only thing missing is a Vegas background.

  2. Pokey: "This is the last time we phase into a comic book in Clokey Land.""

    Gumby: "You're the one who wanted a furlough from War of the Independents!"

  3. I'm with you, Ross, and I suspect that the mid-credits scene from Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings will turn out to have been a clue about that.

  4. Ross. Great, as ever.

    When will you get around to including the British classics in your ongoing artworks? I'm not talking 2000AD characters here, good as they are... but, particularly the heroic characters from the D.C. Thompson & Fleetway/I.P.C. comics from the 60s & 70s. There are some really great ones to choose from, I can assure you.

  5. I feel like the fact that they've apparently decided to make Bruce only ever a supporting character in other characters' stories would make it difficult to do a whole thing with him reverting from Merged/Professor Hulk to separate Bruce and Savage Hulk without it being seen as a huge distraction from whatever is going on with the actual lead. Which, really, I think is a shame that they went straight to Merged between IW and EG rather than maybe working with the development Savage got in Ragnarok.

    Partly, I think it's just a shame that they didn't go for something where Bruce and Savage come to some agreements as far as time in front, because I'd be interested to see if Savage continues to mature as he did while on Sakaar... But also partly, I'd have liked to see further development of the "DID/multiple system" aspect of things as a prelude to doing an "Immortal Hulk" storyline. (What I wouldn't give for an ImmHulk D+ series that played a little bit like a riff on the Bixby/Ferrigno series.)

  6. A Prickle-ly situation! Will Gumby be mashed into Goo?

  7. Can't wait to see the TV movie of this starring Lou Ferrigno and Eddie Murphy!

  8. hey Ross, is the Hulk image also an Art Adams art piece and where is it from????
    love this cover very much....
    have you ever considered having a comic version of The Beatles meet The Quarrymen as that was their previous name????
    just a thought ...
    also what about Freezerburn (from Images Wild Guard comic) meeting Spidey and his Amazing Friends....

  9. @Slarti: That would've been made for better storytelling. Unfortunately, Universal doesn't want to play with Marvel, and they have the distribution rights to any film where Hulk or any closely-related character is a titular lead.

  10. Oo! That would be a wicked cover BigMike20X6! Meanwhile;
    "Bah! Hulk will show little clay man who is green!
    Hulk is greenest of all!"

  11. Honestly, with the way the "merge" was kept off screen, I'm thinking that Bruce might be bullshitting about it. The Professor Hulk character doesn't feel like a mix of personalities, it feels like Bruce found himself a way to turn into a Hulk Bod version of himself.

    If the distribution rights with Universal ever get sorted out, it'd be fun to see a movie where a moment of pure rage in Professor Hulk results in his eyes flashing grey, his body shrinking down a little, relatively, skin turning grey and settling on a middle size between Prof. Hulk and Banner... setting up a story that leads to him becoming Joe Fixit.

    The title could be: The Puny Hulk

    The character could stick around for a long while, with a different actor as Hulk, with Ruffalo as a prisoner inside his mind, eventually revert to Banner, but with a different face. Of all the OG Avengers members, Hulk/Banner is the only one who can reasonably stick around without dying and have recastings make sense.

  12. a better question would be why not Chicago????

  13. @Greg Basore: maybe the "merge" could be ret-conned as having occurred during The Blink. With the Hulk getting shrunken down to Kai-size...and being enchanted into his right (= Bruce Banner's) mind by Princess Jarella.

  14. "Alec Semicognito said...
    Why are they in Chicago?"

    To set up the sequel, Gumby vs Savage Dragon, duh.

  15. @Anon@1:08: That's not a retcon. Bruce becoming "Professor Hulk" did happen during the Blip.

  16. @Bob Greenwade: All the better. The merger could be canonically established in flashback (along with Jarella of Kai)!

  17. @Anon: I dunno about the details, but I do kind of hope that we get to see something like that in flashbacks during She-Hulk: Attorney at Law.

  18. Maybe next time Gumby and Pokey can visit Gotham City...while Batman is seeking to recapture an escaped Clayface.

  19. Hulk vs. Doomsday; Red Hulk vs. Solomon Grundy; She-Hulk vs. Lobo!

    Any chance for any of these being covers in the very future?
