Sunday, June 19, 2022

Ghost Rider and The Phantom


This cover comes about from a suggestion by Mike Shirley, a Patron of this blog.  Mike pointed out that the original Ghost Rider was also known as The Phantom Rider, so this pairing seemed like a natural - The Ghost Who Walks and The Ghost Who Rides! Thanks, Mike!


  1. @my namesake: yes. Let it be overshadowed by another, much haughtier-sounding one. Courtesy of my old alter-ego, William Fakespeare

    "Verily, we must thank the good Sir Michael for the brilliance of his suggestion. For there is no denying that none other of Sir Ross' readership couldst think of it! Thus, do I offer my eternal gratitude to both men. Sir Michael, for his inspiration. And Sir Ross, for the artistic implementation!"

  2. Yep! That's definitely haughtier-sounding. But, true, nonetheless.

    Thanks, Mike. :-)

  3. I'll take the language in another direction:

    Totes brill, Mike. Brill tale, too, Ross.

  4. Love it! Came out great! Thanks again Ross!

  5. another outstanding cover today, Ross....
    a few months back it was pointed out by myself that although Stan Lee has appeared on no less than three of your wonderful cover creations but his long-time collaborator Jack Kirby has yet to appear as a character on any....
    too rectify this oversight might I suggest using The Source from the recent Green Lantern #12 teamed up with The Creator from Fantastic Four #511, both of whom were drawn to emulate Jack "The King" Kirby....
    they could be opposed by The Old Legend from the comic The Boys who is a character stand in for Stan Lee, if you like.....
    what do say, Ross????

    1. Personally I’d love to see The Legend meet Funky Flashman

  6. Excellent! It's great to see the original Ghost Rider again and The Phantom works well with just about every character.

  7. Carter and Kit..shame Bruce couldn't' be included. Fantastic pair here. The Ghost who rides and the Riding Ghost. I don't believe they'll have much of a problem working together. Great to see.
