Monday, June 13, 2022

Fighting American and Samurai Jack


Samurai Jack was a show that I would catch from time to time, and I always got a kick out of the episodes.  I watched them randomly and not in order, but it was pretty easy to follow the plot.  Now that I have HBO Max, I have finally started going through the series from the beginning.  It's even more fun than I remember.


  1. Yep! Gendy Tartatovksy's first brainchild is still his best. :-)

  2. Samurai Jack is the second greatest action cartoon of all time (right behind Batman). Not every episode is a gem, but the ones that are good are fantastic.

  3. Yes!!!! It took you two years, Ross. But, you finally granted my wish from STF #2967.

    Thanks. :-)

  4. oh i would love to read this one…

  5. It's on HBO Max? Well, so much for any chance of me watching it. And I'd actually hoped to.

  6. I absolutely agree that Batman is the #1 action cartoon and Samurai Jack #2!

    HBO Max is the place to go if you want to stream Cartoon Network and Warner Bros. DC superhero cartoons. I just finished JLU and Batman Beyond (each of which I'd seen only half of) and am now trying out Young Justice.

  7. Fighting American was recently also stranded in HIS future, too

  8. @my namesake: hence, my suggestion, two years earlier.
