Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Bronze Tiger and Shang-Chi


I think that the Suicide Squad movies both missed an opportunity by not putting The Bronze Tiger on the team.  The Suicide Squad comic was where I really got to know Ben Turner as a character and it would have been great to have seen him brought to the big screen.  I don't know if there will be a third movie, but with Rick Flag out of the picture, the cinematic Squad could use a character like The Bronze Tiger to act as a moral compass.


  1. Personally, I think that's a smart move. The proper introduction for Ben Turner should be as Richard Dragon's partner in an eponymous flick from DC Films. If that doesn't tank at the box office, _then_ have Turner make his debut in "Suicide Squad 3." Perhaps as a double-agent for G.O.O.D. (at least, initially) assigned to infiltrate Task Force X when Waller recruits Lady Shiva.

    Re: today's cover? I'll bet those gunmen are Kraalian Skrulls working for Black Sun.

    "Our client finds Ross' lack of a Star Wars-themed cover...disturbing."

  2. @carycomic: "Perhaps as a double-agent for G.O.O.D. (at least, initially)..."

    Pun intended?

  3. I want to see Val Armor in the mix sometime, w/ Shang Chi or Danny Rand.

  4. No Star Wars cover for May 4th? I'm shocked... and a little disappointed.

  5. Very cool 😎

  6. I'm with Cary & John: Disappointed to not see a Star Wars reference on Star Wars Day.

  7. @Anonymous1020: Not initially. ;-)

    @Bob: But, Ross could make it up to us by teaming up Batman'66 with Spidey 2099. The mission? To save the future by preventing the premature death of...Gotham City Police Chief Clancy O'Hara!

  8. Hyram H HorsefeathersMay 5, 2022 at 1:14 AM

    But would you really be In Good Hands with these guys?? WHY wait till the last moment, just wait for their frets of bravery. C H A R G E!

  9. Good point, Hyram. I mean, it's not like either of these guys would be experiencing some plot-convenient flashback a la Kwai Chang Caine.

  10. I've always loved The Bronze Tiger.

    DC needs to figure out a street-level hero mini-series that includes him with the likes of Green Arrow, Black Canary, Vixen, Nightwing, Black Lightning, etc...
